
My girls life is completely c**p!?

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Please read this story, it's sad for me to even write it.

I've known this girl named "Amber" for about 6 months now, I got with her for about a month and for that time I was falling in love with her. She's home schooled because she is stuck home all day taking care of her two little sisters with her and her older sister. Any ways, just recently her Mom has deserted her, she said she was going to get milk one day and vanished. Her Dad is very abusive and doesn't live with her. She lives with her Grandma in a mobile home park with her 3 sisters and uncle and grandma. Her phone has been disconnected, internet disconnected, she has nothing but her sisters, grandma, and uncle. What can I do to make her life better? She can't even go to Online Schooling anymore because the internet was disconnected. What can I do to help her? I am the only thing that makes her happy in her life.




  1. so let her live with you and help her out. there is not much you can do. Or contact the police and try to make things better for her.  

  2. wow.

    Take her out to places that make her feel special?

    Let her get away from her life so she can have some fun every once in a while and not have to worry about something. It seems like you cant really do anything that will greatly improve her life at home.

  3. I feel really bad for her and honestly there's not much u can do...except be there for her..probably u being there is the best thing that's there for her all in all...Just talk to her and assure he everything will be life sucks and i probably would've killed myself if i didn't have my boyfriend there cheering me up all the just be there for her and listen to her....

    also she should maybe invest in some public assistance and speak with a social worker to get the state to pay for her schooling...

  4. sorry to say this but theres not too much you can do.  I would say spend time with her.  She probably likes being with you a lot =) You could also take her to the library a lot.  They usually have computers and internet.  Sorry I cant think of anything else you can do.  Just be with her and do things that make her happy =)

  5. tell her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her, and tell her she can get through all of this.  be there for her as much as you can.  Make her feel special. There is not much that you can do to help her life at home but make sure she gets a break once in awhile. that is very sad I wish you guys the best of luck.

  6. its a good thing she has you! Im sure that makes her days brighter. All you can really do is be there for her. Maybe you can work out a plan to help her and her family get back on their feet. Shes lucky to have such a caring person in her life. Things have to get rough before they get better  

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