
My gmc road bike i paid $350 its got sealed ball bearing do they every need to be regrease?

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My gmc road bike i paid $350 its got sealed ball bearing do they every need to be regrease?




  1. Despite what it looks like I can bet you that your wheel and headset bearings are shielded, not sealed. Your bottom bracket bearings may be cartridge type and not require lubricant but WILL eventually require replacement.

    This noted, your hubs and headset bearings do need to be maintained by disassembling, cleaning, replacing (if necessary), and relubing with the proper lube. At the same time the seat post should be removed from the bike, cleaned, and lubed as well. It's even a good idea to remove the pedals and lube the threads too. Most shops use white lithium grease for this purpose.

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