
My golden hamsters had ten babies what should i do???????????????

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My golden hamsters had ten babies what should i do???????????????




  1. Congratulations! the  best things to do is to...

    1 leave them alone for two weeks at least, this means don't touch them for that long, if momma hammy smells you on her babies she might reject them and either eat them or abandon them.

    2 take daddy hammy out! he will eat them...

    3 find them loving homes after 4 weeks and make sure you separate the male from the females or you will get more babies.

  2. All you have to do is let them grow. Make sure that the father is out of the cage, and make sure they have a lot of food. leave all 11 hamsters alone, because the mother is probably very protective of her babies, and the babies need to be able to nurse whenever they want.

    I suggest you consult with a vet on how long baby hamsters need to stay with their mother (I think it is about a month) and a little after that take the hamsters out and separate them into separate enclosures.

    If before the month (or what the vet tells you) you see that the hamster are fighting then separate them imediatly. you should have a thick glove next to the cage just in case because hamsters bite hard.

    If you see that they  are still nursing after the month than leave them a little longer, don't prevent them from nursing unless necessary.

    I hope that this helps if not feel free to post more information.

  3. When the female hamster gives birth, it is very important not to touch the nest or babies and avoid cleaning the cage for the first 3 weeks or else the female hamster could panic and kill the hamster babies. If it is really necessary to 'clean' a cage area while the mother hamster is nursing her babies, you should only use a small piece of tissue to 'clean' the cage but avoid touching the nest area. Provide additional bread soaked in milk in a small food bowl for the mother hamster and babies as this will provided extra protein for these hamsters. The babies can be separated from the mother hamster when they are 4 weeks old as they become sexully mature.

    Kindest Regards

    Nadia Vella

  4. keep the male away it will eat the babies. let the mom raise them then give them away. (try to post an add

  5. nuthing realy the mom should take care of them after a few weeks give them to family mems or just take 'em to a pet store and they'll take them

  6. First of all, take the male out of that cage!  

    Secondly,  step back.  Don't touch those babies or the mother, she will take you as a threat and eat the babies.

    The only time you should put your hand in that cage is to give that mother hamster food and water.  Add extra food in there for the mother, she's feeding the young and will need extra.

    About 7-10 days those little wiggling bundles of joy will start roaming around the cage on their own and Mommy will be trying fruitlessly to keep them in one little spot (STILL DON'T TOUCH!!!)  At this time, put either a second water bottle in, or lower the one for the mommy down to where the babies can reach it.  Mommy will start trying to teach the babies what she knows.

    At 14 days, you can change the bedding and move the babies.  To do this: Take Mommy out first, put her in her ball or in a separate cage and let her rest (she'll need the break by then).  Clean the cage as you would for a single hamster, and as you do, you can pet those cute little furry babies (they will bite, sometimes, they don't know yet how NOT to bite).  Once you finish cleaning the cage, put them back in.  PUT THE BABIES in first and then return the mother to the cage.  

    About 21 days, start separating the males from the females, they become sexually mature at 28 to 30 days, and will start mating, and babies from babies aren't healthy.  You will even need to separate the mother from the daughters because they will eventually start fighting.  Then, either give them away, or take them to a pet store.  But you will need other cages in case you are not able to give them all away, they will start fighting and will need to be separated.  

    I know it can be difficult to keep your nose and hands out of that cage right now, because hamster babies are adorable, but please do.  

    Good luck, and congrats on all the cute little babies.

    AND PLEASE DON'T MATE THEM AGAIN!  There are alot of unwanted animals in this world.

    EDIT*  OH YEAH!  Keep the mother's cage in the same place as it always is, because she's used to the sound and all the goings on, and will feel safe.

  7. First off (listen to me very closley)

    Remove the male.

    Most importantly DO NOT TOUCH THE BABIES UNTIL THEY ARE ATLEAST 14 DAYS OLD. DO NOT CHANGE THE BEDDING OF THE CAGE EITHER. Doing any of the above will result in the mother eating the babies. You might want to do some googling to find additional information. As for the homes, ask around to your friends and other experienced pet owners. i wouldn't suggest selling it online because the shipping is hard on hamsters and as a result hamsters can get ill and die

  8. Well, I'd keep the female away from the male next time. Stay out of the cage and out of the way. Let mommy do her thing and take daddy out of cage. It's natural for hamsters to reproduce, and they don't need your help. Only thing is, daddy can't tell the difference between mommy and daughter, so you could end up with a whole lot more babies. As soon as the babies are sexually mature, be sure to keep the boys separate, because they'll try to reproduce with any female in sight. They really multiply like hamsters.

    For the time being, though, just leave mommy and her kids alone. DON'T TOUCH THEM!!! I don't care how adorable those hairless little bodies look,  keep your smelly paws off them. Seriously, because if the mother smells another(human) scent on them, she'll reject them. Once the get older at, oh, say 2 or 3 months, you can handle them.

    Or are you asking how to get rid of them? Snakes like hamsters, a whole lot. To protect your hammie's kin from being reduced to a reptile's treat, I'd not give them away for free.

    Other than that, I think you can figure it out. I'd suggest you don't keep them in a wired cage because hamsters(especially small, juvenile ones) have a knack for escaping. So good luck and farewell.

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