
My golden retriever is sick. She is 9 and when she uses the bathroom its runny. She is alway itching her hips?

by  |  earlier

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When she goes to the bathroom its runny. Her backside is always wet. She is always itching her backside. She hasnt had shots in a while. What is wrong with her?




  1. You are entirely correct when you say your dog is sick!  I hope your vet can find the source of her illness so she doesn't have to be miserable any more!

  2. Take her to the vet.  Maybe she has something that over the counter things can't cure.  Let the vet make an assessment upon your findings and prescribe the right medication or give her new shots.

  3. Take her to the vet and get her, her shots would be the first thing your vet would even tell you and it might also be allergies, My 4 year old pitt has allergies and has to be on meds this time of year.

  4. Sounds like she needs an exam- I'd worry about both the loose stool and what sound like it may be urine leaking- that can cause a nasty infection

  5. Sounds like a case of the green-apple splatters.

  6. I'm sure the vet can help you with this.

    We can't possibly diagnose your dog over the internet.

  7. Take her to the vet ASAP. Your dog is getting older and there is soooo much that can happen as a dog gets up there in age. It may be something as simple as worms or worse. She needs to be seen.

  8. My dog was itchy too we took him to the et and he said its allergies but even thought the shots may have nothing to do with itchiness make sure you get her shots , it is very important to be up to date with shots.

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