
My goldfish's head growth looks swollen & he spends hours just sitting at the bottom corner of the tank. Why?

by Guest55956  |  earlier

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We have 2 fancy goldfish, but lately one of them spends most of its time just sitting at the bottom of the tank in the corner. It only comes up to swim when we feed it (once a day) after which it goes back to sitting at the bottom corner again!

We've also noticed that the head growth its always had now seems to have grown considerably over the past couple of weeks. I'm not a fish expert so I don't know if it's abnormal, but it looks swollen to me. The growth is semi-transparent & looks to be full of fluid - is this normal?

The other goldfish seems fine & is swimming around as normal, which makes me think it can't be the water.




  1. seems like a bad infection take him to the vet

  2. Since it is sitting at the bottom the fish could suffer from something we can't see quarantine it to be sure condition your goldifhs with rocksalt and good aeration and observe further.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

  3. OMG are you OK. I'm no fish expert either but i think that you should really go see a vet or something. just in case! i am actually really feeling for this fish. hope i help. and i hope it gets better.


  4. can you get a photo? it sounds like it may have an abscess or infection from an injury. test the water just in case and keep the water quality immaculate. abscess's in fish are tricky to treat, if you can isolate him to a hospital tank that would be best, then treat with an anti-bacterial medication such as Oxytetracycline.

    vets won't treat fish, unless the vet is a specialist and the fish are very large and expensive fish such as show koi or large exhibits and public aquariums.

  5. hey sorry about whats goin on with your fish. i would go to an aquarium store and tell them all the details and get some treatment for it. I'm pretty sure it's a disease. good luck...

  6. \/ try the source that might help. take him to a vet to be safe.

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