
My goldfish is floating upside down in its tank! all the other fish are fine. it's not dead!?

by  |  earlier

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it looks like he has a (human looking) mouth ulcer on his side near his tail.

please, only serious answers. this is serious. seriously.




  1. its gone to heaven georgeous.... sorry

  2. I've heard of air bladder problems.  Regardless, it needs medical help and you probably won't pay for it.  It's time for a seaman's funeral in the dog's porcelain water bowl..

  3. Your fish is sick....Sad-face....

  4. maybe its dying or the lump could be a cyst?

  5. The "human looking mouth ulcer" could be a wound that has become infected. If it's left untreated your fish might develop blood poisoning and die. However, you should ring your local pet store and ask for advice as I might be wrong.

    I hope that your fish gets well but i'm sorry to say that it's really hard to treat wounds on fish and from what you've said, it sounds like he/she is really sick already and possibly wont make it.

  6. it will b soon

  7. iSorry - you should probably remove him to another bowl so the other fish wont start picking on im

  8. It sounds like he is dying, I don't think he will last more than a few days if that.  You would be best to remove and dispose of now so that the other fish don't get the same thing.

  9. just leave it for a few days. ive heard that wen the do that they may not be dead, so dont bury it yet. it could have indigestion

  10. YOu need to call the pet store and they can give you medications. Hurry though! you should maybe separate him, but it might be too much stress and it might just then kill him then! sry but HURRY

  11. something similar actually happened like this to one of my gold fish and then like 2 days later is died :(

  12. It's about to go to Fishie Heaven. The ulcer-like thing you mention sounds like where the other fish have started to eat it. Sorry.

  13. Goldfish will often times be floating upside down in the fish tank. This is because their swim bladders will fill with air. They fill with air because the fish are eating food off of the top of the water and taking in air at the same time. This air fills up the swim bladder on the bottom side of their belly and they will flip over and be stuck that way until the air bladder doesn't contain any more air. It's really get your fish to flip back over once the fish is upside down but I will tell you how I have successfully treated many of my fish with a swim bladder problem.

    The first thing you have to do is start feeding the fish pellet food or food that sinks. I would highly suggest purchasing frozen food which is labeled Goldfish and Koi. It comes with brine shrimp and a variety of different vegetables. Never feed your goldfish anything that will float. Also, make sure to place the food into the filter air flow so that the food shoots down to the bottom of the tank before the fish can try to eat it from the top of the water. Brine shrimp needs to be fed to goldfish at least a couple times per week to clean our their digestive system. You will also need to fast, or not feed, your goldfish for at least one entire day out of the week to make sure that they don't get constipated which is another reason they will float upside down.

    When you see your fish this way, you will need to stop feeding the fish for one day. This way if your fish is constipated the digestive track will clear out and the fish will flip right side up again. Then you will need to take the fish out and place it in an aquarium which has fresh water with the same temperature from the regular tank. You will need to fill the tank so that it's one inch above the fishes top fin. You will then purchase some freshwater salt and add the recommended amount to that tank. Keep the fish in this tank until the fish can stay right side up. Then leave the fish in the tank another two weeks and feed the fish only pellet food and brine shrimp which sinks.

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