
My goldfish is!

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my fish is sick, the second fish this month. My first fish was a comet goldfish, I've had him for almost 2 years, and then he developed some white spots on the top of his head. The person at the pet store told me it was fungus. I bought this medicine called Rid-Ich, bought him a separate aquarium, gave him the medicine according to instructions and did everything I could, but he ended up dying. Now it's about a month and a half later, and my little fantail goldfish has just developed a white spot on the top of his head. I don't want to use the Rid-Ich again because it didn't work for my other fish, is there another better medicine for this? I do everything right, and I just cleaned the aquarium. It's 30 gallons and houses only 3 goldfish, one almost an adult and two little ones. Everythings clean, filtered, I feed them properly. I don't know what else to do! Please help! Also, store I went to (and bought the fish from) is PetSmart, I thought it was a pretty good store. Only that one fish has the spot, and I'm scared he'll die. He's my favorite fish!

What is the best anti-fungal medicine?

Also, is there anything it could be other than fungus?





  2. Just bc it has a white spot, doesn't exactly mean it has ick. I thought mine did, but the spot turned out to be just a white spotch growing... you know? But if it isn't, then try some other fungus releif... Good Luck!!!

  3. It may be hole in the head disease instead of ick.

  4. could be fungus to me it sounds more like white spot, also known as ich.

    either way i think methylene blue is fantastic fish medicine.

    never fails for me and it works for ich and fungus so you've got nothing to loose.

    good luck =]

  5. you can try pima fix sold at petsmart it cures internal and external parasites such as fungus i think. good luck


    this website has like a list of symptoms to kinda diagnose your fish, it seems really helpful. theres one description,i think the last one on the page, for a white growth on just the head. but theres all kinds of symptoms to go though on this site and a cure is shown for each disease

    I hope this helps, and I hope your fish gets better!

  7. white spots are easy to cure we use here rocksalt and mythylene blue with good aeration.  how often do you do water changes?  at 30 gallon for 3 goldfish minimun should be 20 to 30 percent weekly or 10 percent daily with filter.  If you do this I don't think your goldfish will be sick.

  8. Gold fish are actually pretty dirty fish. If it looks like cotton it's a fungus. If it looks like something is burning away it could be ammonia burn. I would try just a different fungus medication. YOu could also try melafix which treats a broad spectrum of bacterial diseases. I would bring your water to be tested just to make sure your ammonia isn't too high. 30 gallons is actually to small for one gold fish.  

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