
My goldfish likes to jump out of his this normal?

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Theres a top over the tank, so I think he knows he's not going anywhere. He just randomly jumps out of the water and goes right back in. Is this normal or is something wrong with him?




  1. I really think that the water quality is poor...goldfish dont jump usually..and they would do it only when the water is not of good quality...test your big is the tank??how many goldfish??..what kind of filter do you use??and do you have 25-30% water change every week..with conditioned aged water??

  2. my friend's does that, but shes got a comet and a large tank.

  3. its normal, ive heard of other fish that actually jump out of their bowl.

  4. It may also mean the tank is too small as well.  Goldfish need room to roam.  Try moving him to a larger bowl or tank and I think that will work.

  5. If you own a common or comet goldfish this may be part of his normal behavior.  They are very active, fast-swimming fish that need space to exert their energy and explore.

    If you own a fancy goldfish, such as a fantail or black moor, you probably have a water quality problem that is affecting their behavior.  Broad-bodied, slow-swimming fancy goldfish are not natural jumpers.

    In either case, upgrading to a larger tank would be the best way to keep your fish contained and healthy.  Ten gallons per goldfish is the absolute minimum, otherwise maintaining water quality is impossible. Plus, the bigger the tank, the less likely your fish will feel inclined to seek new territory by jumping.  Even/especially if you have a lid on your tank, your goldie can get seriously stressed and injured from the impact  of smacking against it.

  6. It can mean two things your water has high ammonia or nitrites which is making the fish want to leave the water or i can just be like something normal. You should get a bigger tank to stop all the jumping. I have a feeling you have a comet or regular goldfish only those can jump high.

  7. this would indicare water quality problems test the water

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