
My goldfishes eyes are gone!!?

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I have a problem with one of my goldfish. The problem is, I have 4 different types of goldfish in one tank (20 Gallon). 1 of them being a bubble eye. I came home this morning to find one of my bubble eye fish with NO EYES! He's still alive, but his eyes have been eaten out somehow, like cleaned out completely. It's awful. I'm not sure who could have done it. I put the no-eyed goldfish in a separate tank. Is this common??? I don't want anyone else to lose their eyes! Also, is this something I should bring him to the vets for? He does OK finding food, but he bumps into the side of the tank. Before I posted this I read about another similar question & someone said something about "pop eye"? I noticed nothing wrong with him before today, doe's this just happen with no warning?? I feel soooo bad! Can someone please email me any info or advice you have or could give me? Thank you for your time.




  1.  i know how you feel, just this morning a small goldfish of mine had its eyes plucked out. my mum keeps telling me to put it down but i havent got the heart. the girls a fighter though, shes eating and swimming just fine (in a seperate tank of course). mother nature can be quite grizzly. im hoping my fish will survive though it doesnt look like shes having much trouble.

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