
My good friend and partner at our company has a daughter that is now 8?

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today at work she was telling me she feels her daughter has trouble with impulse controle. she will doe things like cheet at games with her sister and my daughter and will also lie with out feeling bad. she will throw a temper and will not feel bad after and will not listen to what people are saying but wants to just talk and have the last word. I have known her and her kids for a long time and as a mom she is wonderful and does use timeouts and punishment is always followed through but my friend feels it is somthing more that is wrong besides a bad temper .




  1. Tell your 'friend' to get her daughter straight to the doctor. There are many different outcomes of this situation and there is no point spending timke guessing when you can answer your question. So get that girl to the Docs!

    I found an article on Impulse Control [link in sources] Which explains exactly what impulse control is so check it out. And also you can ask a Pediatrician online. I know sounds strange but then atleast you may be able to get some answers without leaving your front door!

    Hope I Helped

  2. A friend of mine with 4 boys had one who's behavior was similar to this- why only one child when the rest were very well behaved? So she took him to see some docs and he was diagnosed with I think it was called Reactive Attachment Disorder. Not saying this is what your friend's child has, but that's what my friend's child has and his behavior was much the same.

  3. Maybe they need to take her to talk to someone.  Sounds like she is acting out for some reason.  Talk to her doctor they can recommend someone who is good with that age group.

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