
My goodness...have you guys seen this???

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There is petition that is calling for Stephenie Meyer to explain her Breaking Dawn....what do you think?




  1. I agree completely with Heather (the girl who wrote it). I even signed it. Breaking Dawn was terrible!

  2. its a sign that a lot of people were not satisfied with (or hated!) Breaking Dawn.

  3. Yessss. Goodjob, petition starter. It's time we stood up for ourselves; I refused to be cowed into liking that c**p. 'The Rob Effect,' my foot. Pah. The woman is obviously so soaked up in her own glory that she blames it on Rob Pattinson than on her own failing writing skills. Rab

    Andyes, I signed it. I support these youngsters, breaking free of the limits society sets for us. 'The Rob Effect....' *mutters*

  4. Lol! I think that is funny! Wow, people can go to far sometimes... I hated the book and all, but I'm not going to go start a petition! Lol! That's funny!

  5. What was the book all about? My, Breaking Dawn hasn't yet in a bookstore nearby our place and also ay of the Twilight books.

  6. Breaking Dawn was a flop and no one watched it. Whats the big deal? It was full of lies and misinformed truths.

  7. HAHA omg I'm going to sign that

    Breaking Dawn was a piece of c**p

  8. oh my. I don't exactly get what they're trying to say though, can someone explain it to me too?

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