
My grand daughter's bowel movements are green. She doesn't eat very well and I am concerned.?

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These bowel movements look like the bile from her liver. Should she see her pediatrician?




  1. Did she eat any funky sugary cereal?  Grape juice used to mess my son up, and so does kool-aid.  Teething does it for my daughter.  If it is consistenly happening over a long period of time (like a week), then yes, go to the doctor.  If it just happened one day or a couple days and then is fine, it's just something she ate.  

  2. if you are that concerned,  it won't hurt to get her looked at by a doctor.

  3. How old is she?  If she's a newborn, runny green bm is normal especially if she's nursing.  If it's more liquid than solid it might be a rotovirus.  If no longer a newborn I'd definitely call her pediatrician!

  4. I know this sounds weird, but does she drink a lot of grape kool aid? I bought a whole container of it, and used it up within a few days, and I realized my kids had green p**p. It was weird, but as soon as I stopped giving it to them, it went away. All those processed foods/drinks have dyes in them, so they tend to turn p**p funny colors if used in excess.  

  5. wow, sorry about that last answer.

    you should probably call the pediatrician.  green bowel movements, however, are not uncommon in young children.  (especially if they eat trix cereal, or lucky charms!)

  6. Have you talked to the childs parents? Do they know about it?

    Maybe you are her parent...

    I would have her start eating more for starters and talk to her doctor about it. p**p can be many different colors.. most likely its nothing to worry about.  

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