
My grand daughter's in daycare for 10-12 hours?

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every day except Sunday. I feel really bad for her. Is this a good thing or no? The day care is really neat, I make pop visits once a week and the kids and teachers are having a great time. What do you think? I live too far away and work or I'd spring her!




  1. Well, she is there with her teachers more than she is with her parents. That's not horrible, but the teachers are probably shaping her character and have more effect on her learning than her parents. Please don't take this wrong, but many children are in daycare longer than they are with their parents on a daily basis. It kills me to see a child arrive at 6 in the morning and leave at 6 at night. Their exhausted and they barely have time to eat dinner, then they fall asleep soon after. There is little time for interaction between those kids and their parents. Yes, she is having fun...but what about fun with mommy?

  2. It depends on the chid and the environment. If she is happy, don't worry about it. If she starts to show distress, then talk to her parents and see if you can't work something out. I wonder why she is in daycare that long. I mean come on, the average work day is 9 hours including lunch....well yeah, I guess then 10 hours would allow for a short commute. Her parents may want to put her in daycare closer to where they work, and six days a week is wrong, they don't both work six days a week.....

  3. It is sad that she can't spend more time with her family, and hopefully this situation will not be forever, but sometimes we have to make tough decisions.  Her parents are lucky that they have a good day care for her.  If there is  no other choice, sometimes we have to make the best of the situation.  Not everyone has the luxury of choice when it comes to staying at home with the kids or going to work.  Someone has to put bread on the table.

  4. I think that is way too much.  Who is raising the child?  Not her parents.  They are missing out on her life.  That is too bad for them.  She will not be able to bond with her parents if they don't spend more time with her.

  5. You have to think of the positives such as:

    she is being socialized with kids her own age

    she is in a clean environment

    you love her enough to check in

    as long as she is happy don't beat yourself up. Unfortunately there are alot of people who don't have another alternative. If you look for the bad you will just depress yourself.

  6. once in a while take a vacation day and spend it with your daughter, she will appreciate it a lot! she probably doesnt mind daycare though and social interactions at an early age are very good for your social skills

  7. Wow!  That is a long day for a young child and rather sad if you ask me.  I use to work in several preschools through college and I always felt really bad for the children that were there for that long of a day.  Some states even put a cap on the amount of time else Child services are called.

    After working in Early Childhood for 10 years it is my experience that a 10-12 hour day is too long for a young child.  That is why you see all preschool classes run by local school districts capped at 3 hours!

  8. I wouldn't like that either. Why is she only home one day a week? I think all kids need family time, and sometimes I's necessary to put them in day care. People have to work and make a living to support themselves...but I wouldn't like her being there so much.

  9. Children do learn and have fun in day cares, but being in day care that long is not good for her.  It really depends on the child and the daycare.  From what you said, it sounds like she is having fun and it sounds like a pretty good daycare.    Its good that you take her whenever you can, I'm sure she enjoys it.  

        Why is she is day care that long every day and every week?  While day care can be good for kids, it can also be bad.  A child needs that one and one time with his/her parents and they need that family interaction.  

       Being in daycare that long, cant be good for her.  She probably misses her parents.  She probably gets mad because shes in day care so long all the time.   Its definitely not good for her, but if her parents work all the time, they might not have any other choice.

        I guess it would depend while she is in daycare that long, do her parents work alot and that's why shes in daycare or is she in day care just because?   If her parents arent at work all the time when she is at daycare, maybe try encouraging them to spend more time with her.  Tell them they are missing out so much in her life, because shes in daycare 60+ hours a week.  If they have to work alot, ask her if you can take her on your days off and spend more time with her so shes not in day care all the time..

  10. I work in a childcare center and these facilties are great for making social connections and if you hve a good center with great teachers they are actually learning and it is good for them.

    As long as your granddaughter is still getting her family time at night and on the weekends things are fine. I understand that it is hard to leave a part of your family with a "stranger" but child centers can be good for her and her developement.

    I am going to warn you though that not all centers are great, like bigger ones tend to be less developmentally teaching if that makes sense. Smaller centers have more time to tend to the needs of each individual child.

  11. No this is not a good thing. Children learn most from their parents and there are certain life skills and brain skills that she will not learn by being there that long. I would try to get her out and look after her yourself, if you could find a way.

  12. Ok Julius.. I think I'm on the same page.. but my kids are in daycare 9 hours a day and it's m-f

    As a single parent, I do what I have to do to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, unfortunatly some situations don't allow the June Cleaver approach.I would love to be home with  my kids, but I've done the 2nd best thing... I found an incredible daycare... It's impecable, fun and highly reccomended... they have an amazing time there... and they learn so much.  Plus they are there interacting with other kids their own age.  It's a hard decision..  for "whores like me" as Julius so gently stated

  13. Sorry, but I think it's sad.  You'd treat a dog better than this poor little girl's being treated.  Why did they have kids anyway?  If she's there 12 hours, she sees her parents when they wake her up and when they're putting her to bed.  When is she loved, cuddled and kissed?  Daycare workers can't provide what a loving mommy and daddy can.  You can't pay someone enough to LOVE you child, just to watch them.

  14. if your daughter is getting help with day care then you can cut down your hours and stay with her. this time is so important.  kids in daycare that long are prone to be more aggressive. so i think that half time at daycare and half time with granny.  i love having my 16 month old grandson for three hours three days a week. and we have a lot of bonding.

  15. It is a really long time...but it does depend on both the child and the daycare.

    For various reasons, I had to work full time when my son was young.  I found the best daycare/preschool in the area, and paid an arm and a leg to get him in there.  He absolutely loved it - he actually got mad when it was closed (for a holiday or whatever) and would demand to "go to school".  It was connected to a private school that he later attended when he was old enough.

    Would I have liked to stay home with him?  Of course - but the situation didn't allow me to.  Our expenses required me to work, and I worked my tail off to progress to the level where I could afford to send him there as well as pay off the bills we had.  I would say to keep a good eye on your granddaughter - if she's happy with the situation, don't make a big deal out of it.  If she starts showing signs of stress, however...reverting to bedwetting, withdrawing from things she normally likes, crying at odd times...bring it up to your daughter and try to help her find a solution.

    I think it's great that you're involved enough to notice and be concerned - I know a lot of parents and grandparents who aren't.  I hope everything works out ok :-)

  16. I think it's great that shes having fun! But, If you have time then take her to the park and have lunch or something like that..I bet that would make her very happy!

  17. 10-12 hours???  Wow, that is a long time.  Too long.  I'm sorry, but my husband and I agreed (before having children) that I would stay home with them.  We have had to make many, many sacrifices - but it was worth it.  So, my opinion may be a little biased.  I don't completely disagree with people having to use daycare, it just wasn't for me.

    I would have to say that you are definitely worried for a good reason.  Your granddaughter isn't getting enough time at home!  Sounds to me like by the time she gets home from daycare, it's practically time to have dinner and a bath and go to bed.

    Something needs to give.

  18. I hate this idea, but sometimes there is nothing you can do.  I feel bad because my girlfriend's daughter has to sleep at grandma's every night because the GF works at 5:30am, so grandma has to get her to school every morning.  I work at 9am, so I could take her, but I can't get up in time.

  19. It is a long time however if there is no other way than it's a must. As long as her mother isn't dropping her off to have "free time" than it's fine. It's a place she's familiar with and apparently enjoys. I would suggest you keep dropping by to visit unannounced to make sure everything is okay.

  20. It may or may not be bad but sometimes it is the only choice. As long as the child is well cared for and happy I wouldn't worry to much.

  21. Some day care is a good thing because it helps young children with socialization skills. But 10-12 hours a day six days a week is way too much. Even if it's a great day care. Changes need to be made so this won't be necessary. Kids need time with their parents.

  22. I do think this is too much time at a daycare. I work at a child care center, and we have several children that are there for 10-12 hours a day.  It is sad that they have to be there for so many hours, but there is nothing we can do.  We do not have a policy that limits the hours.  Sometimes, it cannot be helped that children are there that long (single parents, parents with more than one job, etc).  Other times, you know that children do not have to be there that long... anyways, when you can take her home, so that she does not have to be there that long.  I am glad that she is at a good center, at least she is safe.

  23. That is horrible in my opinion! It can't be a good thing, even if they are having a great time. I don't think she will be scarred for life or anything but I still think  she is getting a bad deal. she needs to be having a great time with her parents. the teachers see her 3X as much as her parents! that's sad! Is there anyway you could get her maybe 2 days a wk. she could spend one night and two days with you. that would really help her alot to get some one on one attention from someone who really loves her

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