
My grandad has built a jet pack and wants me to try it out but?

by  |  earlier

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i,m so scared of heights but i dont want to disappoint him ,he says the device should give me about 40mins flight you think this sounds safe




  1. you wasted 5 points on this question?

  2. Remember the show rocket man when they strapped it on the statue> that could be you> Have him try it out if he wants to try it out>

  3. hahahaha!!!

    stay low down over the river so if it fails you can swim to safety.

    or just give it to me.  i wish i had a jetpack.

  4. Yep! Go for it.

  5. As a pilot, my words to grandad would be, "After you gramps!".

    There's a helluva lotta testing and verification that would have to be done and documented before I even considered flying the device.

    Are you and/or your grandfather pilots? Aeronautical engineers? Airframe and Powerplant mechanics? Engineers of any sort? While it's possible that an accountant could envision, design, build and successfully fly a jet pack, it's pretty unlikely.

    Would you rather disappoint your grandfather or get yourself killed?

  6. Ever hear of the Coriolis effect?  It is the earths gravitational core spinning under you and affects more than just the atmosphere moving around the earth.

    Review early rocket test. Without a gyroscope action built into the jet pack, you will do the same thing as the early rockets did, you will start to spin like you were on a trapeze swing and crash into the ground breaking every bone in your body.

    Also, if the jets are using solid fuel, how are you going to avoid that hot exhaust? Sounds like you are going to be fried without a asbestos fire suit.

    Tell gramps to make a hot dog cooker out of it, and stay alive by letting professionals do this type of thing.

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