
My grandads been carted of to the old peoples home can i sell all his stuff?

by  |  earlier

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in his home because myfriends are off to ibiza in 2 weeks and i,m broke is there a law that says i have a right to sell of his things before the rest of my family get there hands on please




  1. Dirtbag.

  2. Nope. You'd get in trouble for theft. That's not your stuff to sell. At least wait till he is dead to put your grubby hands all over his worldly possessions.

  3. Well two bad for you, I guess your not going then.  Your grandfathers stuff is not yours to take and if I was a member of your family and would know what you just said you wanted to do then I would make darn sure you wouldn't get a cent worth of anything.  On second thought I think you deserve the used toilet paper.  That's about it.

  4. Your sick, those items in his house are HIS, not yours. I think what you need is a good butt whoopin

  5. WOW>>>>>>..what a little selfish BRAT you sound like!!!!! I can't believe you asked a question like this. s***w your grandfather right? You just want to go on your trip ON HIS DIME!!!!!!!!!!!!   ANYWAY???????????????????????   NO YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SELL SOMEONE ELES PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YOU KNOW WHY?????    BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOURS BRAINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    You really need to change your SELFISH ways!!!!!!!!!!  CREEP

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