
My granddaughter 19 yr old, out of HS, no plans to go to college or a tech school.She has a terrible attitude

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when you ask her a question, she snips at me or just doesn't answer at all. She will not help around the house, if she is told to she rants & raves. She moved out, to live with a girl friend lasted month, she told to get out because of her attitude, very moody and angry. Any suggestions. Her dad and I are at wits end.




  1. It sounds like she wasn't properly parented....or if she was, she was being rebellious.

    I think the best thing that you can do is to react to what is happening now. When she snips at you, you should tell her that it is impolite to snip at people and that she should apologize. If she continues to disrespect you and her father, then she won't be living with either of you ever again. that I think about it, is it possible that she is bipolar or has another mental illness?

  2. Make her pay rent.  At LEAST $50 a week to show responsibility.  Tell her that her behavior is unexceptable and she needs to be out on her own in her own by a certain date (give her 4 months).  

  3. She prob has some depression or bipolar problems, feels she is not as good as her graduating class that is going to college or working by now.  How long will a girlfriends family put up with her being there and not paying her share?

    Does she go to church?  Maybe they can help?  Call or go online to the tech school and see what she could do there,  

  4. Aw hun, I know exactly how you feel, i had a similar situation, hard isn't it. I told my son," either he en-roles in college or gets a job, or he's out on his ear ". It's what's known as tough love, but you've got to stick to what you say & no going back.

      My son has now en roled in college, perhaps you & your son need to get tough on your granddaughter, she won't thank you for it now, but she will later on.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  5. She's an adult, old enough to take care of herself. If she lives with you now, have her pay rent and don't do any of her laundry, or let dirty dishes stay dirty and use plastic plates for yourself, make it so that she HAS to do something.

  6. i would step up and be the adult. if she wants to live there she needs to first change her attitude and get a job or go to college!! and if not get the heck out. you are not being unloving you are loving for putting your foot down. has she ever asked for help, maybe she has a mental illness and needs to be on medication. sometimes depression or hormone problems can come out in mood swings.  good luck  

  7. She is legally an adult. Dont put up with it any longer. If she is living with you, tell her to move out. I could write you paragraphs about why you would be justified but Im just keeping it short and sweet.  Do you want to spend your remaining years like this? You deserve to be free of it. Accept the fact that you cannot change her. I know it is difficult but its not your fault.

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