
My granddaughter is three and loosing her hair in clumps. Dose anyone know what might be the cause?

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My granddaughter is three and loosing her hair in clumps. Dose anyone know what might be the cause?




  1. Many, many things could cause this.  She needs to see a doctor.  Only a doctor can diagnose this correctly.

  2. She might have cancer... see a doctor, for any more questions

  3. could be thyroid (I have no idea if thats spelt right!) but it is best to make an appointment with your family doctor to see if it is this or another serious cause

  4. alopecia?

  5. I'm guessing stress.

  6. guessing i would say low in vitiamins

    give them flintstones

    however see a doctor to know forsure

  7. Hon, that is not normal for a three year old.  There are some ailments that can cause this to happen and it would be highly irresponsible for anyone (medically educated or not) to give you answers via the internet because of her delicate age.  You need to get her to the doctor immediately for blood tests and proper evaluation.  Good luck, I hope all turns out well!

  8. Loss of hair in clumps can be triggered by extreme stress, as well as some diseases.  I believe she should see a doctor, just in case it's the latter.

  9. most likely alopecia. it is when the body is allergic to its own hair. thus getting rid of it. it really is nothing to worry about medically. it has more psychological effects than medical.

  10. It depends, if she is under stress, like, say a new sibling, starting school, perhaps arguments at home, she will lose hair due to stress.

    She may be simply cutting it, or maybe pulling it out for attention.

    Or she could have Alopecia, either way, i suggest you see a doctor for a check up.

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