
My grandfather's brother married this girl's maternal grandmother's sister? Am I and this girl related?

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(maternal grandfather)




  1. Yes, no, maybe.

    You have a connection through marriage, which is a type of relationship. That is a yes.

    If the couple divorced, you no longer have any relationship, so the only connection is through MARRIAGE .. that makes it a no.

    The maybe comes in .. IF somewhere in the past, you and this girl have an ancestor in common.  Like her gr gr gr grandfather is the same as your gr gr gr grandfather. That is a 'maybe' because your question does not offer that information.

    Trace back your direct ancestry.  Now, do the same for hers. Not uncles/aunts, etc.. but direct line. If you make a 'hit' on the same person, you are related by blood.

  2. (Talk about convoluted!)  If I'm following this correctly, you're VERY loosely related.

  3. Yes, because both you and this girl are the neices (and/or nephew) of these two people. You're both the great neice (and/or nephew) of these two people. You're not related by blood, but you are related by marriage.

  4. You are not cousins; cousins have to share a blood grandparent.  According to the information we've been given, this isn't true.

    I'd say you were not related to this girl.

  5. You're great uncle married her great aunt.  You are only cousins by marriage not by blood.

  6. No. You are her cousins' cousin, which isn't related.

    Call your grandfather Albert and his brother Bruce. Call Bruce's wife Barbara  and Barbara's sister Charlotte.

    Albert's children and Bruce's children are first cousins to each other. Albert's grandchildren and Bruce's grandchildren are second cousins to each other.

    Barbara's children and Charlotte's children are first cousins to each other. Barbara's grandchildren and Charlotte's grandchildren are second cousins to each other.

    Note that Bruce and Barbra are married, so their children are the same; B&B's children are first cousins to your family via Albert, and to "this girl"'s family via Charlotte, but Albert's grandchildren and Charlotte's grandchildren are not related, other than "cousin's cousin".

    If you have an average family, all of your first cousins whose parent(s) are your father's brothers and sisters have first cousins through their other parents who are not related to you, and the same for your 1C whose parent is sibling to your mother. Your problem just went up a generation.

  7. You are not related.

  8. your great uncle married her great aunt.

    you share an uncle. you're cousins.

    you're related by marriage.

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