
My grandfather has discovered a time capsule whilst digging ?

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in his allotment near the docks,how can he get it open, its a long pointed tube thing with what looks like little fins at the top,

he has been smacking it with a hammer but to no avail any

suggestions. ?




  1. You let your old granddaddy do the hard work.  shame on you.

    Take that hammer from him and hit the pointy end.  that's where the secret powers come from.

  2. If there are any wire's attached, cut the blue one and it should open.

  3. Get a power saw, jig saw, and start carefully, and wear safety goggles

  4. This is the funniest site I've seen Tonie. LOL

    Of course each one of us is a time capsule.

    Boos of  'Get out ther room you filli's tyne!'

  5. Stop your Grandfather NOW!!!

    A pointy tube with fins?  He has found the corps of a dead fish.  By pounding it he is showing great disrespect for this poor dead animal.

  6. Sounds like a German Time Capsule if he keeps the hammering up he will disappear into infinity for all time.

  7. You are a bit confused.   It's not quite a time capsule, but a time CONTROL capsule.

    Once your grandfather opens it - which should happen shortly - time will stop.  At least, it will for your grandfather.  Pretty cool, huh?

    Good luck.

  8. So; your old Grandad is now 'rejuvenated', and, has been spotted down at the Local Rave; 'breakdancing', chatting up the 'sheilas', and, knocking back a few 'stubbies!'

  9. Does it have a ticking clock inside?

    Tell him to keep banging on it!

    EDIT : Are the instruction in German and something along the lines of.  Zee Ticking Bomz go Boomen

  10. Have you ever watched Roadrunner and Wylie Coyote? Yeah, keep whacking on thet 'time capsule'-he just might make some history of his own lol

    Oh by the way, I used to work in the nuke subs at the Puget Sound Naval Base. Try shooting it with a high-powered rifle.

  11. Search information on the language, when you have found the language get a translator to learn on how to open it.

  12. Im sure that probably as we speak it will open itself over a very wide area and probably open Grandpa with it !!!!!

  13. try covering it in petrol and then setting it alight.. then from a distance throw bricks at it.

  14. How about ask a new question with the instructions on the side, or put them in a translator

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