
My grandma gave me the wrong gift... What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I was saving up to buy an american girl doll. i had one picked out and 1/2 the money. But yesterday my grandma sent me one. And it wasn't the one I really wanted. So do you think I'm a brat if i want to exchange it for the one I want? I can. But i just wonder if my grandma would be hurt or if the doll would be mad at me. She just wanted loved an a home. But she would be happier in a home where someone wanted her. So what do I do? (I have a sad/upset and confused face on right now...) HELP.




  1. Just keep the one she sent you, and save the rest up for the other doll then you will have 2 dolls and your Grandma won't be hurt.She may not have been able to find you the one you wanted.

  2. keep saving up for the one you want, and keep both. that way no one is hurt and then you would have two.

  3. you can exchange it, your grandma wont mind too much.  they had kids remember, they know that they dont always get the right thing.

    for my engagement, my grandmother got me a dish set, but my mom got the dish set we really wanted.  so we just exchanged the dishes my grandma got us and got a bunch of other things we really needed as well.  when i sent her the thank you note i told her that my mom had already gotten us the dishes, but we really appreciated her thinking of us and that we exchanged it for some other things (and listed them for her) and thanked her very much for helping us get some of the things we really needed for our new life.  she wasnt upset, she chalked it up to "being old" and not listening to what my mom had told her (my grandma is cool like that and always talks about getting old and losing her mind - even if she's usually sharp as a tack)

  4. Just keep the doll.  Your grandmother was thinking about you and you can still save up and buy the one you want.  

  5. listen just try to tell your grandma that you didn't wanted this  kind of gift but very slowly.

  6. just it explain it to her. im sure she will understand

  7. yes u will be a brat if u don't send it back BUT think of your poor grandpa!!!he's probably dying as he now has no money to buy food.but u  choose.

  8. she will under stand she thought it was the right one and will want you to have the right doll

  9. i would keep the doll and learn to love it. and..why do you think the doll has feelings, its impossible for the doll to be mad at anyway,

    hope i could help


  10. Yeah I do think you're a brat. You sound a bit psycho saying she needs to be in a home where she is loved. It's a doll.  

  11. Did your grandmother send the gift receipt?  If so, she already has an idea that she may have gotten the wrong doll.  Don't worry about the doll, it has no feelings.  But if grandmother send you the gift receipt, I would take it and exchange it for the one I want.

  12. Wow, your gandma is generous! I think it would be sort of impolite to your grandmother to exchange it, but I don't think the doll will be mad, or sad, or whatever cause I don't think they have feelings. But, you should keep saving up your money, and then you can get the one you want and have two (It's always more fun that way) and then, if you think the doll has feelings, she should be really happy cause she won't just have a home, but she'll also have a friend =D

  13. Which one did u want? Cuz I have two! lol American Girl sisters! Tell your granda that it was a misunderstanding and u wanted a different one. Or.... Don't tell her! Just return it. My dolls are important to me and they have hearts but I believe the doll is better with someone else who will love her. Anyway, all American Girl dolls are cute so I would be happy with anyone of them. Unfortunaly, I can't get another one. How did u come up with half the money?

  14. your grandma would probably never even notice... get what you want. She just wanted you to be happy. :) it's totally fine.  

  15. I would thank your grandmother and explain to her that you are so happy that she bought the doll for you because she knew how badly you wanted it, I would then explain that even though she did this great thing that there are so many to choose from and you have a favorite one, and that you were wondering if she would mind if you exchanged it for the one that you have been wanting. Make sure you emphasize the fact that you really appreciate what she did for you. I am sure she will understand, I had to do this when I was about 10 because I got the wrong robot toy for my birthday. My mum understood and took me to the store, just make sure after you have made the exchange that you make a big deal to your grandma about how happy and thankful you are.


  16. Grandmother's are classically out of touch with what their grand-kids actually want/need.  That's why they should always consult the parents first, since they are usually a bit more in tune with their children.

    But, I doubt your Grandmother will even notice the difference in the dolls if you exchange it.  I can't imagine she would be upset.  Its pretty common for people to exchange gifts and generally doesn't produce hurt feelings.  

  17. Once your receive a gift, its yours to do with whatever you wish.  Exchange it for the one your really want.  If I was your Grandma I wouldn't be upset because I would want you to be happy!

  18. Just explain to your Grandmother that it is very beautiful and nice and thank you so much but I really wanted another doll! I'm sorry but thank you for thinking of me! That is all you should tell your grandma! And if doesn't help you ask your parents what to do!

  19. then explain to your grandma she will appreciate your honesty. Say thankyou for the gift but its not what i really wanted

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