
My grandma got some liquid form a plant in her eye and now it's burning and she can't really open it?

by  |  earlier

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what do i tell her to do?

she already rinsed it with water

what other measures should help

we aren't sure if the plant is poisinous




  1. She should go to the ER so it doesn't affect her vision. In the meantime, washing it out with water is probably the most she can do.

  2. Go to the ER.  She might have a severe injury to her eye and it needs to be treated asap.

  3. I'd get her to the ER now.  Even if it's not poisonous it's possible that she's have an allgeric reaction.  If you don't have the means to drive her there, call 9-1-1 or a cab and get her to the ER now

  4. Get her to the ER NOW!!

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