
My grandma is getting harder to deal with...

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My grandma lives with us, and usually we like having her around. She cooks, cleans, and generally takes care of us. However, she has a short temper and when she is in one of her rages (which she almost always blames on me) she starts yelling at me and calling me horrible things. She tells me I'm ugly, lazy, greedy, selfish, that I have an evil heart, and the worst possible things you can imagine. She never says these things about my brother (who is only younger than me by one year) and she treats him like he's an angel even though he does less around the house than I do to help out and spends the majority of his time playing on his computer and video-gaming.

I don't think I'm in any means a "bad" girl at all. I'm very studious and academic, and in my spare time I either read or help out around the house. I don't drink, smoke, or go to parties. She flies into her rages often, and the target of her insults is always me. I don't know why she seems to dislike me so much, even though she claims to love me. I try my hardest to be a "good" granddaughter but it never seems to be enough. Is this just a matter of sexism on the part of my grandmother or is it something else? And what should I do?




  1. Talk to your mother & fathr about could be due to a serious health issue that is not being addressed (alzheimers)...alert your mother now!

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