
My grandma wants to wear a t-shirt w/my baby pic on it to my wedding. How do I get her to not wear it?

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here's the story. My g-ma started getting t-shirts with the grandkids baby pictures on it and would wear it to their open house. I was the first to graduate and she missed mine (oh darn). NOW, I'm getting married in 2 weeks and she informed me that she was getting a t-shirt made w/my 18 month picture on it. I'm not embarrased about the picture (although I was quite the chunk as a baby). I'm embarrased for her. The wedding is outside, but it's still going to be dressy! She thinks my feelings were hurt cuz she didn't do that for my open house. Not true, but I don't want to hurt her feelings by asking her not to wear it. You know, if this how my g-ma was...the weird quirky lady it would be different but my grandma has always had class and was one of the top dressed no matter where she went, always a fashion queen. My g-pa just died last october so I don't want to upset her...but I would be so embarrased for her if she wore that, not to mention how it'll look in the family pictures...




  1. Is there a way to display the shirt?  Maybe the groom's family can have a shirt made up with his 18 month old photo on it?  It would be kind fun to have these on display near the guestbook and would be a great way to explain why you'd like the shirt displayed, not worn.

  2. Not to stress you out even more...but I think it'd be kinda cute.  'Course, I HAVE the weird and quirky grandmother....

    How about saying, "Grandma, I love the idea of  you wearing that t-shirt, but I was hoping we'd be able to go dress shopping and pick something out together.  You can certainly through the shirt on for a portion of the wedding, get some good pictures in!"  Something like that.  However you would then have to go shopping with her...and you should.  Spend some time....

  3. My suggestion is to go with her to pick out an outfit with a button front, long shirt.  Ask her to just button it for the formal photos, but she can unbutton it for the reception.  Have the photographer take at least one photo of you and grandma and the Tshirt.  This way, you get family photos that you want, yet, can retain her dignity if she is a little quirky.

  4. tell her that it would be better if she wore a nice and dressy outfit during the day. and then at night where everything unwinds, she could wear the shirt for a little bit.

  5. Tell your grandma that you would LOVE for her to wear the t-shirt at the rehearsal dinner.

    Tell her that you love her sense of style and look forward to seeing her all dressed up for your wedding, besides, you'll be so busy you'll hardly get to notice it.  But the rehearsal dinner would be a much better time for her to wear it and for you to enjoy wearing it!!

  6. why don't you find her a beautiful locket with a picture of you and her inside? she could wear that with a beautiful outfit and show it off to everyone all night!

  7. I think that's sweet of her. BUT, i unnderstand that you would be embarrassed for her. Maybe you could suggest that she dress up for the ceremony and the pictures, then wear the t-shirt to the reception. Really, she could even just put the shirt over her dress (or whatever she's wearing). I'm sure you can make a compromise. Lucky for you, you have a grandparent to attend your wedding. Her being there is special enough, it really doesn't matter what she wears. Have a great wedding!

  8. Aww that story is beyond cute.  Your poor grandmother probably really does feel sad that she missed your open house and thinks this is going to make up for it.

    Look, I don't know what kind of answers you'll get but this is what I'm going to tell you.  Just let her do it.  We have such little time left with grandparents, you already lost your grandfather...focus on the joy that she is there to see you on your special day and let her do this one thing for you.  It's coming from her heart.  And when it comes out in the family pictures, you'll get a kick out of it later.

    remember that no one "cares" about the formality of your pictures except for you.  But the story of how grandmom wore the shirt on your wedding (when she hasn't done that for anyone else) will live on in your heart forever.

  9. Who cares, let  her wear whatever she wants!! It'll be fun and cute.

  10. I don't think she will get upset if you tell her you are looking forward to her fashion statement this year, and you so love her fashion decisions and then suggest like the one you wore last year or last wedding, and that you thought she was so lovely in it.

  11. tell her youd love it if she wore it for maybe the shoer (less people) but the wedding is a tad more dressy and you want her to look nice

  12. It's interesting that she has always been well-dressed prior to this. Do you think she may be suffering from depression since your grandfathers death? Wearing a t-shirt to a wedding does not sound like her typical normal might discuss the situation with your mother or father and get their input on it. She might need to have a thorough check-up to make sure she is doing ok.

  13. Just explain to her that a wedding is a little too formal to wear to a wedding, that you'd prefer her to wear something a little less casual to the wedding and maybe she could wear the shirt to the reception.

    She'll understand, hopefully

  14. OMG...Buy her a dress!  Tell her the wedding is a little to formal for a t-shirt.

  15. Go shop with grandma or tell her your color scheme so she knows you expect her to be dressed nice for photos. Then suggest that, if she really wants to wear her t-shirt, she could put it on at the reception for "fun" pictures when people are relaxed. She loves you. She'll be cool.

  16. what about making her go dress shopping with you and if she refuses go and get her something by yourself and i think its a lovely idea witht the babys pics and she sounds so sweet to want to do this for you and not hurt your feelings {{sniffle sniffle dont we just love our grandmas and memmees dont we?!!}} let her know that you are honored that she wants to do that but suggest getting a nice new beautyful dress for the ceromony and pictures and bringing the shirt and pants to change into for the reception that way she still gets to wear it and you still get traditional pics and your grandma looks elgant like usally but still can show her spunky side... good luck and congratulations

    edit- true you are absoultly right!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Tell her it will be a dressy occasion, maybe since it's outside she doesn't realize that

  18. Usually I say its your day you decide but I have to be sympathetic to your G-ma.  I'm one too.  

    I'm recomending a little compassion for her.  It will be a beautiful day and other people will be pleased to see that your G-ma is so proud of you.  

    And what makes you think she won't dress classy?  T-shirts can be paired nicely.

    But it is your day and if you just have to talk her out of it be kind.  Tell her you are concerned that others will wonder about her state of mental health.  She won't buy it but maybe you two will be able to talk.

  19. You might want to mention, in her hearing, that the wedding is going to be pretty dressy. If the subtle hints don't work, have your mother or father (whichever side of the family she's on) talk to her about how the wedding is going to be more on the formal side, and maybe she can wear the tee-shirt to the rehearsal dinner instead.

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