here's the story. My g-ma started getting t-shirts with the grandkids baby pictures on it and would wear it to their open house. I was the first to graduate and she missed mine (oh darn). NOW, I'm getting married in 2 weeks and she informed me that she was getting a t-shirt made w/my 18 month picture on it. I'm not embarrased about the picture (although I was quite the chunk as a baby). I'm embarrased for her. The wedding is outside, but it's still going to be dressy! She thinks my feelings were hurt cuz she didn't do that for my open house. Not true, but I don't want to hurt her feelings by asking her not to wear it. You know, if this how my g-ma was...the weird quirky lady it would be different but my grandma has always had class and was one of the top dressed no matter where she went, always a fashion queen. My g-pa just died last october so I don't want to upset her...but I would be so embarrased for her if she wore that, not to mention how it'll look in the family pictures...