
My grandmother gave me a frozen turkey last's been frozen, is it good still?

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I mean, will it taste okay if I cook it now?




  1. the worst that could be is a bit freezer burnt at certain points.  It will NOT spoil in the freezer.  Thaw that turkey and have some great BBQ!!

  2. I don't think it's a good idea to eat it! But if you did it before then you should be alright... Enjoy! =)

  3. My Zada gives us year old meat every year - when they butcher the new cow.  

    We eat it every year & are fine

    Enjoy your turkey!!

  4. No...its never good to eat meat that has been in ur freezer for such a long time ago... just throw it away and buy a new one:)

  5. I had one in my freezer for almost two years and it tasted great. When you thaw it out and have any question just throw it away.  

  6. Yeah, it'll probably be alright.  Just cut off any freezer-burned areas, if any.

  7. Probably not.  6 mos in the freezer is about the max.

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