
My grandmother may be in danger. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My grandfather passed away last month from a two year battle with lung cancer. My husband and I had moved in next to them to spend time with him and to look after my grandmother after his passing. Late Sunday night, my grandmother got a knock at the door and a woman with three teenage kids that she knows from around asked to stay with her while the woman got on her feet after leaving her abusive husband. My grandmother, being the kind soul that she is, invited them into her house. I know for a fact that these people are junkies and drug dealers but my grandmother will not listen to reason. I'm not embellishing or exaggerating in any way, these people are bad news.

I'm afraid for her safety. I'm afraid that they are going to try to rob her for my grandfather's life insurance money, which they don't know hasn't come in yet, or hurt her and take any valuables that she has in her house. I've tried to talk to her but she will not listen to me, which she has never done before, we've been closer than best friends since I was a baby. Right now we are at the point that she is choosing them. It might be because she is lonely but I can't quit my job to stay home twenty four hours a day to be with her. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get my grandmother to listen to me, I don't know what's going to happen. Please. Please help me.




  1. Okay, this one is kind of hard, but ill try to do my absoloute best and hope that it works. Usually, i would advise for you to talk to your grandmother, but seeing as you already did this, and it failed, why dont you ask someone to talk to your grandma, who you know your grandma will listen to. My grandmother is very stubborn, most of the times she only listens to one person. Everybody has that special person they can talk to... so maybe you should try to find that person for your grandmother. or, maybe talk to these people, tell them that you want them out of your grandmothers house. If they have any respect at all, they just might liten. Im sorry. i hope this helps alittle.

  2. try to stay with your grandmother as often as you can so that the other people will know that she has a supportive family around her and tell them that you wouldn't hesitate to call the police if they tried anything with your grandmother

  3. I have to agree with Anne.  Call the police.  If there are drugs in the house they will find them and arrest the people who have been using your grandmother's place as a front.  Tell the police what's going on so they know your grandmother doesn't know this is going on under her nose and that you would appreciate them not telling your grandmother you called them.

  4. As I was reading this i saw how much you truly care for your grandmother. You respect her and wantothers to do the same. You care and love you grandmother and evrybody can see that. My adivce is try talkign to you grandbother baout what kind of poeple they are let her know that they do drugs. And then. Talk to thoes people who moved in. Warn them that you might have to take this matter into serious hand. The police. If this gets to bad tell them that if they do not leave u might just take this to court. or even vall the cops. I know this ist the best advice but i tied my best. And hope this help.

    God Bless you and your family. And i am sorry for your lost.

  5. Why are you writing this question? Get your butt over there and kick them out. Call the police first.  

  6. If these people are into all you say they are contact the police. Your grandmother may become angry but she will get over it.  

  7. Talk to the woman who moved her children in... MAYBE she is trying to start over - away from the abuse and drugs and your gmom is helping make that happen.  If you still think there are drugs and such in the house I would search for them and then call the police if I find anything.

  8. just  talk  to  them

  9. i'm in the same prob. with you..

    i wan help too..

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