
My grandpa died and I didn't cry...

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My grandpa from Portugal (I live in Florida) died last month. I only saw him about three times in my life, so I didn't really know him well. I didn't cry when I heard the news, I just had that "aww" feeling you get when you read an obituary. Is it wrong for me not to have felt bad? I feel guilty, but I never really knew him.




  1. No. Not at all. No attachments - No intimacy - No sentiments.

    Out of sight means out of mind.

    Everybody has to die and leave this world one day baby. This is hard truth and real philosophy. Unwanted birth - Unavoidable death.

    Better have concern instead of sentiments.

    As a psychologist said: LAUGH WHILE YOU LAUGH - CRY WHILE YOU CRY - GET ANGRY WHEN NECESSARY. This is a normal behaviour to be adopted by a human being.

    All the best & Good luck.  

  2. Hi Emily

    It is a sad thing to lose someone from in your family even if you haven't been close to them as you can see from some of your other answers many people feel the same way and it is really okay, but the main thing here is that you show support for your parents because they (one of them actually) just lost a parent and one day we will all be in that situation.

    The really sad thing is that you (and those of you who read this) didn't really get a chance to know him or someone like him, not getting to know your grand father or grand mother is one of the saddest things I can think of short of losing someone we love.  Grand parents, well at least mine were great some what stricted, but they loved us just like we were their very own angels , when ever mom or dad were beating us we would call grandma and she would come and kick their buts, such spoild brats.

    I am sad for you  not haveing time to be able to grow with him getting the chance to know your grand father.  Don't let that happen to your kids when it is their turn, take the time for them.

    Take care and Keep the Faith....Peace....cya....

  3. No. you should not feel guilty. al least you got the opportunity to see him.

  4. you feel guilty? who made a rule your supposed to cry? you met him 3 times and you didn't love him or anything......i think it would be kinda wierd if you did cry

  5. it's not wrong.  if you didn't know him that well and u werent that close to him, you shouldn't have to feel like that.  at least u got the aww thing tho.  it would be wrong if u didn't feel bad at all when hearing the news.  

    if you feel bad for not knowing him maybe ask some family members to tell u about him and u can get to kno him that way?

  6. you didnt really know him that well so you shouldnt feel bad.  family members i dont know dont usually make me cry when they die.  its different when you see them too, he was in portugal so im guessing you didnt even go to the funeral.

  7. you know its ok even if youre not crying when your grandpa died but the important is you fell something like whta youve said "aww" feeling.

  8. no dont feel guilty u just didnt have that special bond

    i only cried when my grandma died

    not my grandpa (i was only 2)

    or my uncles

    or my aunts

    so dont feel guily

  9. It's ok NOT to cry, I mean you really didn't know him all that well. It's harder when the people closest to you die, because there is that emotional attachment and stronger love.

    No need to feel bad or guilty, don't be so hard on yourself.

    I just learned that one of my uncles died about 4 months ago, but I haven't seen him in like 20 + years, I didn't cry either.

  10. Well, I have never met any of my grandparents and probably never will.

    So, I would feel the same way.

  11. No, I don't think it's wrong.  I'm sure you aren't jumping for joy (then I might be concerned!)  It would be no different than seeing the same person at the grocery store a few times and then seeing their obit in the paper.  You would get the same "aww" feeling but you most likely wouldn't cry.  I dont' think you should beat yourself up over it.  Also some people just grieve in different ways.

  12. You never knew him therefore you should have acted as you would for anyone you didn't know that died.

    I didn't know my grandfather very well either and I didn't cry when I heard he died.  You cry because you are going to miss someone that has died, someone you loved.  If you don't know someone that died, how are you going to miss them?

    Don't feel guilty but maybe sad that you didn't get to know him and talk to him about when he was a boy and how things were then.

  13. I didnt cry when my grandpa died, even though i had seen him go through the pain of his illness nearly everyday. Just be happy that you got to meet him, its not wrong, and dont feel guilty babe!!

    Pleasse answer mine now!!;...

  14. There is nothing wrong with that.You barely knew him.

  15. If you didn't really know him that well, then you have never developed any form of emotional attachment to him.  Although I am sure you loved and cared for him, I understand why the tears didn't come.  Don't feel bad.  

  16. i never cry when someone dies

    i throw confetti at the funeral though  

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