
My grandpa is in the Hospital and I dont want to go....?

by  |  earlier

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My grandpa is in the hospital and my mom just called me and said it doesn't look good. He's weak and not doing well at all. I don't want to go see him like that, but my mom says I need to be there. I don't want to remember my grandpa weak. I want to remember him strong and healthy. What should I do?




  1. Do you want your grandpa to be comforted and know that you love him?  Its hard to see loved ones in pain, but think about what it'll mean to him.

  2. I think you should dont want to regret someday for not going.your grandpa  probably wants to see you...just be brave,,..

  3. I went through what you are about a year ago my grandpa died from cancer... I visited the hospital to see him and for him to know i was there and cared about him but i refused to be there when he passed away so i'd check in with the family and they would keep me updated on his status. I understand you don't want to see him like that but you can't be selfish..I'm not trying to be mean by saying that but in my opinion you should visit him at least once.  

  4. Hey, it is understandable how you are feeling.  Having you Grandfather near the end of his journey on this earth can make you fearful.  I think that your mom is right in saying that you need to be there she probably thinks as much for your piece of mind as for his.  Your comfort will mean more to him than you will ever know.  As far as how you remember your Grandfather, that too is your choice.  Yes you will see him in a weakened state, but you can choose how you wish to remember him the best.  The other thing that you might think of is the unknown of how your Grandfather was in his last days and you might imagine horrible things that were not so or feel guilt related stress.  I bet you are strong enough in nature to go to his side, share your love, see his surroundings and comfort him as he prepares to cross over.  Good luck, Peace to you and your family-L

  5. awwww i am sorry.

    Yeah i know its hard to go see someone that you love in pain. But i am sure if you go see him, it would being a little smile to his face. bc he knows that you love him. and that he will always be in your heart.

    I am actully going tho the same thing. my grandpa isn't doing to well either. he actully got out of the hospital a few wks ago. but they aren't sure what eles to do for him. and I am getting scared. but always think postive. and always remember the times you guys had to together and treasure those moments too. Well i hope everything goes well.

  6. I think you should go. You say you don't want to remember him being weak, but you already know he's weak. Seeing him isn't going to make your old memories go away. Instead, if you don't see him you might always look back on this time and regret not being there for him and the rest of your family.

    My brother-in-law's grandmother recently passed away. His father walked into the room just as she was dying, and said he thought he could actually feel her spirit passing on, and it made him feel more at peace with everything. It might be uncomfortable now, but in the future, it could bring closure that you might not otherwise get.

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