
My grandparents have a son living with them..he built another house..who has rights to that house

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the lot is under grandparents name

1 house is under grandparents name

the other one my uncle built is under his name and sometimes rents it out to people

he lives in the house with my grandparents

my uncle is a drunk and grandparents want to kick him out, but always says the house is his so he goes to his house for a couple of hours then goes back to grandparents hours

what are my grandparents legal rights?




  1. Andrew, the internet is not a great place to get legal advice. I'd suggest they call an attorney to find out what their rights are in regard to their son and their property.

    They can certainly refuse to let him live in their house. Who owns the other house, legally, I don't know. It's possible for the land to be owned by one party, the structure on it by another, but it's certainly not the norm. That needs an attorney to untangle.

  2. They can have the Uncle evicted from their house. They could also force him to move, or sell them, the house he claims as his since he doesn't own the land it is on. They could also charge him rent for the property. This is a good example of bad Real Estate deals made with family members.

  3. Your grandparents have the upper hand here, they own the land that the house your uncle owns  sits on. They can kick him off their property, they can always tell him to remove himself and his house from their property.

    Have them get an attorney if needed.

  4. Not to be too vague, but it really depends on the state they live in, and how the deed is drawn up.  Get them to a good civil attorney, for a few hundred dollars they can be rid of his *** legally and cleanly.

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