
My grandson is 15 mo's. Starting to head bang, tantrums, etc. HELP!!!?

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My grandson is 15 mo's. Starting to head bang, tantrums, etc. HELP!!!?




  1. very normal behavior for a child that age. their only way to show anger and aggression is towards themselves at this age. they are trying to assert their independence. he will definatly outgrow this stage. he's gearing up to the terrible twos!!!! just make sure you justify his feelings, when he behaves like this, be sure you tell him it's okay to be mad, but don't hurt (insert his name), we love (insert his name)!! try distraction at this age, redirection is your best bet. get his mind off whatever is frustrating him and on to something else. good luck!!

  2. Welcome to toddler-hood (again!).  He will outgrow it, if you fuss and make a big deal, it will last longer.

  3. Most children will outgrow the habit on their own. You can speed up this process by reacting to it in a matter-of-fact way. Pretend not to notice. And if it is part of a tantrum, do not give him whatever he threw the tantrum to get. When you notice him head banging, you might be able to get him to stop for the moment by distracting him or engaging him in a different activity. By decreasing the amount of time he spends in this habitual activity, he will outgrow it more quickly.

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