
My grandson is starting first grade. He is very intelligent. He can read very well ?

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(that comes very easy to him). He love anything to do with science (knows the names of every dinasour). He has good common sense. He loves computers etc. The problem is getting his attention with something he is not interested in. My son has him doing tball and soccer and he has no interest at all. All the other kids(his age) on his team run after the ball but my grandson just sits there and plays with the dirt. He is like in his own little world not paying attention to what is going on around him. I don't kown if this is something we should worry about. Any ideas?




  1. My grandson is the same way! But his brothers aren't like that at all. It's normal, I'm sure. Each of us is unique and we engage in different kinds of things. But the rest of us do try to engage him in conversation and bring him in to what we're doing as much as possible. I've known several really, really bright kids who focus on one thing in the extreme while forgetting everything that's going on around them--and doing terribly in school, by the way. I understand that real geniuses are like that, too. We all manage, in one way or another.

  2. i remember a bunch of kids who did that when my brother was that little. i dont think u should be worrying.

  3. Not every boy is interested in sports, even more so team sports.  He may be shy or just totally disinterested.  I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.  He's old enough to talk to him about it.  Maybe he'd like Karate or something where it's more about what he can do, not what a team can do.  

  4. I think I was that kid, and Maggie pretty much hit it right on the head.  Find a way to make him less shy, which should prove to be very difficult, or give him tasks he can accomplish on his, not with a team.  Karate, as Maggie said, or an instrument should do the task.  It's worth keeping him on tball though, you never know when he'll break out of his shell.  

  5. I know it sounds awful to say this, but your son will not get into any decent university or college (excluding schools like MIT and CalTech) without any extracurricular, primarily sports. When I was young, like your grandson, I was very into reading and science and stuff like that, but not into sports. I was signed up for soccer, baseball, tennis, swimming, tae kwon do, and such, and I eventually asked my mom to quit. However, now that I am in High School, I wish I would have stuck with tennis, soccer, and swimming throughout my childhood. It is better to start out early. If your grandson doesn't like those sports try signing him up for other sports until he finds one he somewhat enjoys. Trust me, you want your grandson to have a really well-rounded resume.

    Also, it's fine that your son doesn't like those sports. He has other interests, and he'll probably eventually find a sport he enjoys.

  6. When I was a little boy my parents put me on t-ball and soccer also and they said that during soccer I would just sit down on the field during a game and mess around with the grass and dandelions. After a while they put me in the goal and I felt a bit more pressure on keeping up for the teams sake. Now at age 16 I compete on traveling soccer teams and I'm am a good goalkeeper, and also competing in USTA tennis tournaments all the time. Try out not only all kinds of sports for him but also try to find his position maybe. Some people just don't enjoy team sports though. It sounds to me like your grandson will be a HIGHLY intelligent person one day, and he is simply demonstrating traits that his mind can think very abstract although he may have trouble understanding social patterns the way an average person does so he will just have to figure it out on his own. You have nothing to worry about with your grandson, he just has an abstract mind which is hard for the average person to understand just as the average person's would be for him.

  7. i don't think its anything to worry about. i mean i'm a girl and i had the same problem except it was more like in kindergarten-1st that people bothered me about it. i really didn't like anythign that involoved people i perfered just reading and stuff rather then doing something like hanging out or playing tag with the other kids. its nothing to worry about not every boy likes sports and stuff. you should be happy that he likes learning most kids don't.

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