
My grandson keeps on headbutting doors walls+floors just wondering is it frustration or could it be ADHD?

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he is 20 months old




  1. hi my son is 19mths old and he has been doing the exact same for months now and i said to the health visitor about it and she said to try ignore him as he was wanting attention and he would grow out of it but we have tried to ignore it but as soon as he hurts himself and cries you cant ignore it you need to see to him,but he isnt doing it as much now since hes started walking but he is still doing it,but i think it was abit of frustration but if i find out anything else about it ill keep u posted

  2. That is worrying at his age, i would speak to a doctor and asked to be referred to a specialist, get him help before it gets serious, seems like he's terribly frustrated about something or it could just be his diet is lacking in the right nutrients.

    Good luck, glad to see that people still care rather than the "If it's not hurting me....." attitude.

  3. No such thing as ADHD. Its just naughtiness!!!!

  4. This is not a symptom of ADDHD. I would advise a doctor to get a proper answer.

  5. take him to the doctors immediately to rule out Autism

  6. Please remove his trampoline from the room.

  7. that is a realy interesting question my son who is now thirteen when kris was a baby and when he was about 14 months he started doing the same thing and he didn't do it because he was being "naughty" it was like when he couldn't get his point across and some times he was just being dramatic like when his older sister wouldn't give him a toy and i didn't make her give it to him. then when he was about 2 1/2 we went to sears to get new tires we were there for hours in the waiting room and he started his usual well he banged his head off that hard concrete floor and he never did it again. any way from the time this kid could walk witch was at 7 months he was always on the go at 9 months he was running he got into everything he was not sneeky about it either he would do it right in front of you we had to keep the garbage can on the counter because he would eat out it and when it was time to eat he always had to pour his food on to his head then pick his food off his head in order to eat it at age 3 he just started talking and at 3 1/2 he still refused to use the toilet until the one day he made a big stinker in his pull up i was so frusterated because he sat there and worked hard on his B.M i tolled him "darn it you new you had to go now you can sit in your stinky pants for a while" so this gets me a pull up and the wipes and i quote says to me " Mother you need to chnge my butt" i refused so then he rips off if stinky pull up wipes his own butt with the wipes throughs it away and proceeds to put on another pull up right then and there i said oh no if you can do all of that then you can were underwear and use the toilet he then said and i quote " ok fine you win Mother" then came the wonder full pre school i would have to lay him on the floor sit on him and pin his arms down with my knees just to get him dressed for school it took me 1 1/2 hours to get him ready for school then when he finally started dressing him self everything went on backwords and he refused to let me fix it so he went to school with his pants on backwords and his shirt then in kindergarden his teacher pulled him out and put him in early fives because he wasn't ready yet i didn't put up a fuss because i figured he was not up to par with the other kids now he was never a discpline problem at school he was always very well behaved his biggest issue was that kris never sat in his seat at school he stood up to do his work and he would walk all the way around his desk to write on his paper some kids do that thing with there tounge well kris walked around his desk then in first grade the kid couldn't read not the word "A" or "the" nothing in the DR. Suess books and he would roll on the floor and cry I hate this when it came to reading. until one day i was cleaning and he was sitting on the floor with this big reference book like an enclyopedia but a dinosaur enclyopedia  pretending to read and i though oh how cute he is making up a story to go with the pictures then he starts blurting out words like "paleolithic" words i never herd of so i looked down and i'll be damned that kid was reading this book word for word so we then started buying him reference books because that is what he wanted not stupid DR. Suess books his teacher thought we coached him whe was the same teacher for kindergarden and first grade lucky me this whole time i belived her thinking my kid was you know slow then in 2nd grade i just couldn't keep up with him any more he would run out the door 1/2 dressed i'm going to be late missing a shoe or a sock or a shirt then i would have to drive to the school wait in the office until his bus arrivied and put the rest of his cloths on the lady's in the office just loved kris and always had me a cup of coffee waiting i was so depressed my kid ran me out and no one ever said anything about ADHD to me because he was not bad he as never been in trouble at school and i had some friends with kids that had ADHD and he acted nothing like that those kids were mean and violent and were just awful i always thought they needed an *** WOOPING but they were "ADHD" an excuse to be rotten. So one day i took him to the doctor because i just couldn't do it any more and our doctor had an ADHD specialist that also helped to studies on ADHD at first i was oh no you are not going to lable my kid as ADHD but i let the specialist evaluate him any way and turns out he had 98% of the simptoms i actualy learned alot and found out there was a difference between ADHD childern and just being bad childeren so after kris was medicated his 2nd grade teacher had him tested not only was he ADHD but he was a gifted kid you know he actually taght him self how to speed read in 2nd grade and he was reading at a college level and in 2nd grade he started Tae Kwon Doe, Baseball, Wrestling and Football he is now 13 and he still gets al A's and does Tae Kwon Doe, Baseball, Wrestling and Football and he is running in a 7 mile marothon So those are some of the things to look out for and after all these years i can say for sure if your grandson shows a sign like His Brain is going 95 MPH but his body is only going 65 MPH he more than likely has ADHD and no one can diagnose him before school age i mean no one if you suspect ADHD be firm and always have routens every thing every day on scedule put everything of his in the same place and don't change it always be dressed with a good pair of running shoes on before he awakes in the morning be prepaired for anything you don't want to be stuck out doors in front of your neibores in your t-shirt and underwear like me. because some times ADHD kids just feel like running off never relie on child safety products because they will figure out how to work it before you do and this includes "DOOR ALARMS" don't ever think you might get to sleep in today because you won't. see what he is into some kids like books some like puzzels and some like to color and start working on his fine motoe skills now ADHD kids seem to have problems with ther FINE MOTOR SKILLS and what ever you do DO NOT EVER EVER GET HIM COOL TOOLS for kids they are like real tools but sized for kids very very bad or anything that is like adult stuff that actually works but sized for little kids because they will use it and the out come is usually scary. Get some Adhd parenting books they can be a help. and if he is ADHD it isn't always a bad thing most ADHD kids are gifted don't fall for that ADHD kids are bad because they aren't. people who say there is no such thing have no idea i welcome them to my house any day to see what ADHD is because my son isn't bad he just goes and goes

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