
My great grandad is pretty old and a bit feeble. Sometimes he forgets things.?

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My mom wants me to take him to the mall this weekend when I go to hang out with my friends. He likes McDonalds a lot, and I was thnking I could buy him some differnert stuff to eat there and just let him sit there for a few hours when I hang out and go shopping and stuff. Would that be cool for the people at McDonalds? I mean he can go to the bathroom by himself and stuff and he won't hurt anyone - just sometimes he starts singing old cowboy songs real loud - that's about the worst thing he does. Also, should I get him McNuggets or a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?




  1. If you're going to a "Mall", then I'm assuming the McDonalds is in a Food Court, where NO one establishment is responsible for any person, especially since you've just spent a whole 3 dollars on your Grandfathers meal.  I'm also assuming that you ordered from the dollar menu so you can spend your money shopping with your friends.  Plus, if he's a really good singer, he'll probably get some tip money to pay for your gas on the way home, that is, of course, if somebody that actually cares about this beloved man hasn't already called the authorities by now.  If the above plays out to your advantage, then I would go for the Quarter Pounder with Cheese, most certainly.

  2. i'm assuming you made that up but that's funny. just make sure he doesn't hit on the girls and take them to his bed.

  3. He might enjoy the Quarter Pounder with Cheese, but please do not leave him there alone.  A lot of bad people might rob him and he might wander off by himself and get lost.

    Please, do not leave him by himself.

  4. I'm assuming you're trying to be funny, but if indeed you are fortunate enough to know your great grandpa treat him like the treasure he is. Instead of considering dumping him in a food court, take him to lunch and let him talk. Open your mind and be amazed at the stories and live experiences he has to share.  He's living history.  My grandparents are dead now and I miss them so much, my children learned and experienced things from them that they could have never gotten anywhere else.

    Give him respect, give him a little bit of your time. You'll treasure it always.

  5. take the time and enjoy the company of your great grandfather.  You are lucky to have one.  Don't just drop him off and leave.  What's the point of taking him?  You would be amazed what you can learn from him.  Let him tell his stories. How do you think he will feel if you just let him sit for a couple of hours.

  6. Wow i hope your not trying to be funny

  7. You would take your Grandfather to a McD and LEAVE HIM THERE ?

    You think he would have done that to you when he took care of you ? Even the thought of that SUCKS !!! Here is this old guy, never gets out, thinking you're taking him somewhere to spend some time with him and you beach him at a McD????

    You tie your dog out in the rain too , don't you ????

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