
My great great great grandmother was Italian, so am I part Italian? If so, how much?

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My great great great grandmother was Italian, so am I part Italian? If so, how much?




  1. In order to answer that, you'd have to find out how many of your grandparents since her were italian, or how much italian they had. Also was she 100% italian or mostly italian. If mostly you'd have to find out how much. But if your great great great grandfather wasn't italian at all, your great great grandparent was probably half italian, leaving the next one your great grandparent to be 1/4 italian, leaving your grandparent to be 1/8 italian, leaving your parent to be 1/16 italian, and if the only italian blood came from your great great great grandmother, and no one else down the line I believe your 1/32 italian.

    Of course I'm no expert on the matter, actually I'm laymen to tell you the trueth, so I'd reccomend you go online, or find someone who specializes in geneology. At a college or university for example, you may find a professor there who teaches geneology, and they'd probably be able to break it down for you.

  2. 1/16.

  3. It goes like this:

    mom Italian, 1/2

    Grand mom Italian, 1/4

    GGrand mom  Italian, 1/8

    GGGrand mom Italian, 1/16

    GGG Grand mom Italian, 1/32.

    Unless all the preceeding generations were female, descending from your GGG grandmother, then your MtDNA would not show her DNA (your MtDNA or haplogroup.)  

    The mitochondrail DNA is only passed down by a female & the Y Chromosome is only passed down by a male.  However, an indepth analysis of your DNA would "probably" turn up some specific genes common to Italians.

  4. you are 1/16th italian

  5. yes you have Italian blood,but our tradition makes as what we are, much you are Italian?

  6. If only your ggg(gm) was italian, its (1/2)^n where n is the number of generations. In your case, that's 5 and you are 1/32 Italian

  7. Are both great-great grandmothers Italian on each side of your family. Or is it one side?

    I think it's somewhere between 1/16th if both sides or 1/32 if only on one side. But you could get a dna test if you want to know for certain.

    Usually, unless you look like the ancestry that you are claiming, if it's 1/16th or less it does not really count as your ethnicity. It's like a friend of mine who is a little bit Native American (like 1/64 th, on her mother's side). She does not look Native American at all. She looks identical to her father, and thus indentifies herself as her paternal ancestry. Her mother looks similar to her as well, but not as much as the father.

    However, if you are interested in this particular ancestry, then claim it. It's your heritage. Do what you want.

  8. Well, was great-great-grandpappy Italian? Was great-grandpappy and great-grandma Italian? Was grandpa and grandma Italian? Was the father and the mother Italian?

    Let's assume the very worst.

    great-great-grandpappy was a Spaniard.

    great-grandpappy was an American

    grandpappy was an American

    father was an American

    gg-grandmammy = Italian

    g-grandmammy = Italian

    g-mammy = italian

    momma = italian

    (1/2 / 2) = 1/4

    (1/2 / 2) * 1/4 = 1/16

    (1/2 / 2) * 1/16 = 1/64

    (1/2 / 2) * 1/64 = 1/256

    So, yeah, 1/256 is the least Italian. But, I am poking a little fun at you. Americans are Americans by nationality, but they have pride in their European past.

  9. You are part Italian. What part is based on the lineage of your Grand parents and parents back 5  generations.

    Back that far you have a lot of grandparents - 124 of them in fact. if only one of them was Italian then you are 1/126 Italian.

    If all were of direct Italian decent then you are 100% assuming your parents are as well.

  10. A very tiny amount Italian. You are probably a hundred other things in the same quantity. And we all go back to Africa, so what does it matter?

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