
My great-niece is turning 3 soon and I've got no idea what to get a toddler...any ideas?

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I'd prefer something educational and without batteries if possible but am open to most options.

The present needs to be less than £20. I'd rather get lots of little bits than one bigger present but, again, I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance for any decent suggestions.




  1. An ABC puzzle or a farm puzzle. The pieces need to be bigger, but even leapfrog makes these kinds of puzzles. I found a three pack for a 3 year old's birthday party recently that only cost about $10. (I am unsure of conversion rates, please forgive me.) You could also get a couple of small stuffed animals with the rest of your budget.  

  2. Get her a Baby Born, like one of those cute baby dolls that she can dress up and feed and diapers. It sounds like a l ot to a little girl, but if she gets the Baby Born and a little stroller for her doll, she won't leave the house without it!! =]

  3. If you go onto the mothercare or early learner centre sites ( or anything like that) they will catagorise ages/how much you want to spend/ s*x and bring up whats available for what you have selected.

    heres an example, good luck and happy shopping :)

  4. She probably would like some type of craft. Michaels craft store has all kinds of great craft ideas. They actually come in boxes, and have the appropriate age on the box. Outdoor things are always fun too. I always like to go with stuff that encourages exercise, skipping rope, a skippit, hula hoop, side walk chalk is fun too.

  5. um i would go for dolls, lay animals, car sets dressing up clothes etc hope this helps

  6. Jigsaws with her favourite characters on? A couple of books?

  7. I'd agree with the crafts idea, my daughter will soon be 3 and she just loves drawing, painting, colouring, sticking things together, stickers etc. - you could get her quite a few different things for £20 and put them all together in a 'crafts box' for her.

  8. Blocks.  They're timeless.

    I usually but little kids books too, never too young for books and a lot of people don't think of them so they can always use more the collection.  Robert Munsch writes wonderful stories for little ones.  Believe it or not kids even LIKE it when I buy them books, lol.

  9. 3 years old is a good age for you to start educating kids so that this way by the time they enter school they can be somewhat advance than other kids. I suggest that you get her something that she will like will teach her at the same time. I think that the perfect gift would be a pretend kitchen after all most girls that age like these kinds of gifts. A few days ago I ran into a this site looking for new toys for my kids they have a whole bunch of educational toys for kids this age I thing you should check it out, I leave you the link.

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