
My greatest life questions of all time?

by  |  earlier

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Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the gro und?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?




  1. 1) no clue

    2) pilots need to wear helmets

    3) because there idiots

    4) u failed

    5) no

  2. lol

  3. These are your deep life questions? I thought they were funny.

    1. That's one of those strange mysteries of life. It has to do with the origin of the word.

    Did you know asteroids are planetoids? "Asteroids, also called minor planets[1] or planetoids, are Solar System bodies smaller than planets but larger than meteoroids (which are commonly defined as being 10 meters across or less),[2] and that are not comets."

    "Asteroid means 'star like' because the first asteroids that were discovered resembled very dim stars."

    "The word asteroid is Greek for "star-like," which is actually inaccurate in terms of the modern meaning of the word star."

    "Haemorrhoid - Greek Haema for blood, Rhoos to flow."

    Sorry to take the fun out of the question.

    2. That does seem like an oxymoron. If they expected the helmets to protect them from death they were crazy! Don't kamikazes and suicide bombers expect to die?

    3. No one should have to pay to go up a tall building. Where people can make money off tourists they're glad to take the money. Instead of getting up close, people want to view what they want to view from their convenience so those binoculars are handy. Like going to the beaches, why do we have to pay for things that should be free?

    4. You succeed at failing. So you're a success...or a failure depending how you view the situation. Glass half full or half empty?

    5. Nah. They'd stand around and stare in amazement. They do synchronized *swim* moves, not *drown* moves. Haha.

  4. 1. Why do cars drive on parkways and park on driveways?

    2. Kamikaze pilots don't want to die before reaching their destination where they then kill themselves anyway.

    3. You can see things up high that you can't down low, and perspectives are different.

    4. both.

    5. if they wanna impress the judges.

  5. ROFL

  6. 1. Two different things. However both can be devastating

    2. They wanted to protect themselves in order to fulfill their missions

    3. They look through binoculars in order to see things very far away from such a high vantage point. Things you cannot see from the ground.

    4. Your original plan was to fail. You have done this successfully.

    5. It depends on how dedicated they are to their sport.

  7. idk to all of them

  8. 1) Because they are two different things.  Meteors (asteroids) don't end up in people's asses.

    2) Because it gave them a sense of patriotism.  You can also be shot in the head by a bullet in an airplane.

    3) Because they are different perspectives, and we don't spend a lot of time in tall buildings, as a whole.  When you are in a tall building you can see farther because there are less obstructions.  Next time you are in your dining room, jump on the table and look around.  You will see things differently.

    4) You have done both.  Congratulations!

    5) No.  Synchronized swimmers are meant to swim, not drown.  The others should try to help the poor swimmer onto dry land, or concrete.  It will probably not be dry because the swimmer was just pulled out of the water, but get the person out of the water.  Then, if so inclined, the rest of the team should try to save the life of the poor synchronized swimmer by means of CPR or the rapid rubbing of baby on on the anterior deltoid.

  9. 1) unrelated.

    2) they still had to get to their targets.

    3) because they see them top down, rather than bottom up.

    4) found a potentially successful, if eccentric, method of self motivation.

    5) all synchronised swimmers should drown, end of story, horrible "sport".

  10. Don't call this "MY greatest life questions" because you didn't make a singly one of them up.

  11. haha!  I love those questions!

  12. Haha. You're funny.

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