
My green iguana might be sick.Someone help before its too late..?

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I had to go away for two weeks so i left my mom in charge of my iguana.. Well she told me he was doing fine and that all he needed was to be let out of his cage and to get his nails cut..Well i come back and everything seems fine..But he is very scared. I cant go to his cage with out him flipping out..And when i talk to him he usually calms down..But this time he didn't..I tried to get him outta his cage and his flips out..Earlier i tried to get him out with gloves and a jacket on (so he wouldn't whip and scratch). He was really scared..He kept hitting his head on his cage.But i finally got him out..I Ran him a warm bath and he was good..But the under part of his eye started to bleed..And i took a closer look at his face..And right by his mouth were two bumps.. I Need help before its too late..What do i do for the bleeding eye? And what are the bumps on his mouth..How do i help him..WHat products do i need.GIve me as much information as you can please!!




  1. my iguana has brown stuff on both eyes and a bit of his tail he les active and sometime his eye go completly shut and he cant see i gave him a bath and his eyes open a little but it still like that and tail what do i do help me plz i dont want to lose him

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