
My grunge band?

by  |  earlier

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im making a band, i just started playing guitar im playing that by i turn 16 or 17 ill be good enough(im 13 now)

this is my question, why is it so hard for me to come up with cool unique riffs/verse/solos?? i have the creative state to write it, but it never comes....what could i do to get more creative and unique with guitar playing/song writing? (my lyrics is mostly about anxiety,pain,random things,comedy,anger...etc)




  1. Well, for me,  long long lost bro, I make sure I get plenty of rest and I eat a good breakfast before I need to do something creative. Or, I am really depressed or angry when I am most creative *idk why*.........So, make sure you can find a comfortable place to write and the most creative stage for your brain. Make sure that you have paper and a pen on you when you go out so then when an idea comes, you dont forget it!

    Eat a well balanced diet and make sure you brain is fit and exercised!



  2. There is a book called The Artist's Way.  Its at any bookstore.  Check it out.  Its full of ideas to help you reach the state of being you need to create stuff.  Many people have used it before you...

  3. Dude first DON'T use Kurt Cobain's name! Sorry I'm a big fan. Any way it takes time to write songs. Lyrics are hard. Depends on what style you want to write them. Do you want them to be different phrases that mean different things? Or do you want it to be more direct? You could do things like in a conversation. Start with a topic that you have strong feelings for (Nirvana used rape, homosexuality, and suppression) and write your opinions. See how these can melt together. I'm not too sure about the instumental parts. Let me put it this way, grunge says it all but with a heavy metal beat. See what you can do. Good luck with your band! (BTW please don't disappoint Kurt like that, he doesn't like people who aren't original and I know you are)
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