
My guinea pig died last night,any ideas why?

by Guest32887  |  earlier

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When i woke up this morning he was lying next to the food bowl on his side?I don't know what happened? Someone please help?




  1. could you please specify his living conditions? like type of food, wether he had hay, wether he had water, size of cage, what veggies were you feeding him etc.

  2. it depends on how long youve had him

    most guinea pigs only live a few years

  3. That happen to me once, i called the pet store and said"my guinea pig i bought from you is making a chocking noise or something"and they said, you needed to buy food from our pet store, they should have told you that"....anyways i figured out that he had been given no vitiman c at the pet store and i had him 48 hours, and i was holding him when he passed  , but it was in deed from lack of vitiman c, which i did not know at he time, he had been living with my guinea pig lilly which is my user pic......

    <--------probably some where on this side, any ways i got her a new friend named wiggles and little did i know wiggles had a life form growning in side her(in otha words she got knocked up)you are more that welcome to have one of the pups when they are born, which will probably be in about 3  10 days...if you have any other questions e-mail me i will be more than happy to answer them

  4. I've had 3 guinea pigs, and unfortunately they usually don't live past 5 years.  If you don't think it is old age, it's possible it became impacted, where it can't p**p and they die from a build up of toxins.  If your guinea pig stopped eating that was a sign something was wrong.  Sadly with small animals they hide being sick very well as self defense in nature, so by the time you notice something is wrong it's already too late.

  5. A) how old was it?

    B) was it having problems eating (eg, bloating, not eating, eating to much)?

    C) any change in behavior?

    D) fatigue?

    it could have been age, virus, mites, etc. try asking a professional.

  6. A guinea pig's average lifespan is 5-7 years. Sometimes longer.

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