i have had my guinea pig for a year and a half. We got him from a litter from my teacher. We also have his brother, i went away for the weekend and came back and one was dead and the other was sick. Now befor i left i did check on them, i gave them food and fresh water. I did notice a little bit of eye crush one the one who died. Me being me i took no note of it, thinking it was just allergies. Coming home to see the oine was dead was upsetting. Anyway iI have now got one who is ill. I looked up his simpims and i think he has URI. i have treated him the best i can for now. i have sat in a locked up bathroom full of steam with him and it seemed to help. We also gave him mosqaslin and put vapor rub on top of his nose. He is not eating or drinking and sleeps alot. I'd really like it if someone could tell me what else to do with him befor he ends up like his brother. Please and thank you.