
My guinea pig has a really snotty nose? do i need to take him to the vets ASAP?

by  |  earlier

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hes about 4-5 months old, and has never been sick before.




  1. I wouldn't say ASAP. However I owened and bred guinea pigs for years and I don't recall any of them suffering from a snotty nose. I think you should leave it for a couple of days and see if it clears up, but if it hasn't then take it to the vet. If the guinea pig is acting differently i.e not eating or something then definitely take it to the vet.

  2. He could have an upper respiratory infection. You will need to see a cavy savvy vet to treat it.

    Guinea pigs are prey animals and so they naturally hide their illnesses until they cant anymore. That is why going to the vet should be your top priority.

    Check out safe meds on and

  3. i think you should take him to a vet. Better safe than sorry.=]

  4. You should tickle his nose...

    He will then sneeze all that snot out...

    You see his nose is running alright???

    You should just get all those snot  out, and it'll be all over...

    Hope you come right

  5. He probably has allergies. Take him to the vet to find out for sure.

  6. Maybe he's allergic to the bedding... try changing the bedding.  Some bedding like pine can actually cause an asthmatic type of problem in guinea pigs and other pet rodents.

  7. !!!!!!

    My guinea pig died of a snotty nose! he had a cold and it was winter,you do need to take him to the vet and get a checkup on him,Dont take the risk! Please dont!

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