
My guinea pig has diarreah!!!!! HELP!!!!

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i dont know which piggie it is because i have two but i havent introduced any new foods since i got them am i over feeding them?!? should i stop feeding them their veg?!? do i need to put 1 of them in a hospital cage coz i aint got one! can i put one in the run with lots of hay or will it get stressed (inside of course!) WHAT DO I DO PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. Oh my!  She could be pregnant.  Or she could be going through puberty and is having her period.  Immediately put them both in your regular piggy cage, and then go to the vet if it is one of those suggestions I gave it had, or you just don't know!

    I hope your guinea pigs are OK!

  2. Sometimes when you give a GP too much greens it can run into trouble.  Give less greens and more pellets, alphalpha, Timothy, carrotts.  Vary the diet, but lessen up on the greens.  Also, tomatoes are very acidic, so be careful there.

  3. Relax.  I bet that you are giving it too many veggies.  Don't give lettuce at all because it is mostly water and will cause diarrhea.  You should only be giving a small amount of fruits or veggies two to three times a week.

  4. Please completely ignore the advice given to you by Ben, it will cause even more harm.

    Take a careful look at each pig.  In all likelihood you will be able to see which one has diarrhea by looking at the bum.  If you still can't tell then you will need to separate them, even if it means placing one in a laundry basket or a cardboard box full of towels.

    If it is mild diarrhea then stop feeding all fruits and veggies and try to really push the hay.  If the stool does not firm up quickly then you will need to take them to the vet.

    If the diarrhea is extremely watery, or if the pig seems very ill (hunched up, lethargic, etc) then the most important thing is to get the pig (or pigs if it is both) to the vet right away.  Diarrhea is an emergency and can quickly lead to dehydration and death.  This is something that needs to be seen by a vet.

  5. Have you read ?

  6. take them to the vet ASAP!  I had a guinea pig,  big word is HAD.  my guinea pig had it too and then stopped moving and I took her to the vet,  it turned out they couldn't do anything for her.  somehow she got really dehydrated.  so please take her or him to the vet.

  7. Please get your piggies to a vet as soon as possible. Diarrhoea can be fatal extremely quickly!

    If it is caused by something infectious the vet will want to treat both pigs anyway, so take them both along.

    Please ignore the bad advice such as:

    "it could be her period" (NO - it couldn't!)

    "feed bread" - No - unhealthy, difficult to digest, won't help if the piggie has an infection.

    "only feed veggies a couple of times a week" - NO - pigs need fresh veggies daily!

    Depending on what veggies you feed, and in what quantity, you might want to reduce the amount a bit until you can get them to a vet. And of couse, make sure they have plenty of timothy hay available at all times.

    Good luck - hope they're okay!

  8. Dude don't worry! just give them some bread with their meals! The same exact thing happened to me, i took him to the Vet and he gave me this whole explanation (sorry i dont remember) but the end result was that since the Ginni pig is gettin older his/her metabolism is speeding up and digesting everything very fast. give 'em some bread (Or dry food) and you'll be fine

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