
My guinea pig is 56 days old, is it safe to breed her yet?

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My female guinea pig Clover is just over two months old, we were hoping to breed her with my other guinea pig Rex, who is almost two years old. Is it safe to breed her yet, if not then how long should i wait until she is ready?




  1. it's not safe wait til it's about 5-6 months to be safe and until then read about guinea pig breeding websites.

  2. you will kill her if you breed her now wait till she 6 months a least

  3. Female guinea pigs are become fertile around 4 weeks of age, but it is much more safer to wait until they are about 4-5 months old before you actually breed them. They have a higher risk of complications at that young of an age, but it is possible.

  4. Female Guineapigs are unable to breed until they are about 4 months old. I Brought a male and female Guineapig last August when they were about 2 months old! They didn't breed until late December last year! I also read this is in Peter Gurney's book about Guineapigs which you can get from most libriaries or

  5. You need to wait until she is 3.5 months old to breed her, she needs to have her babies before she's 6 months as her pelvic bones fuse at this time and she will struggle to give birth naturally!!

    2 months is too young.

    Also what colours are the adults, it's important not to breed 2 roans as they have a lethal gene and the babies will most likely die!!

    Good luck, baby guinea pigs are really sweet.

  6. No it has to be at least 5 months old.

  7. She is still only a baby herself, why would you want to breed her. They can get pregnant from 4 weeks old but you are likely to get major problems. She should be bred from for the first time at around 5 - 6 months of age and she should weigh at least 400g, 500g is better. If you are going to breed then she must be bred by 10 months old at the latest so she births before 12 months, after this the pelvic bones fuse together and youre likely to lose mum and/or babies during birth. Latest breeding age opinion differs from person to person so aim for 8-9 months to be on the safe side.

    Fatalities with guinea pigs being bred is still very high even when you follow the rules to the letter...not something i'd want for my beloved piggy.

    I have successfully bred but it wasnt intentionally, I had a male that was a bit of a houdini. I was lucky, but I spent the whole pregnancy worried sick about my female. Have a read here about the risks....

  8. Why on earth would you want to? Breeding should be left to the experts who are breeding to better the species as a whole. Breeding is not to be taken lightly and breeding guinea pigs is very difficult and risky. Many guinea pig mothers don't make it through pregnancy. Not to mention that shelters and rescues are /overflowing/ with homeless guinea pigs right now. Please don't breed your pigs. Get them each a /same s*x/ companion and let them live their lives.

  9. Why breed her at all?  You know there is a one in four chance that serious complications will result affecting her or the babies, right?

    Leave the breeding to the experienced folk and go adopt more pigs from the shelter if you want more.

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