
My guinea pig is eight months old and she is loosing hair on her butt. Does anyone have any answers?

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On certain parts of her butt she has fur and others just dark skin.




  1. sounds like it could be  ringworm most piggies get that needs a vet for ointment , and no its not a actual worm its more like a rash /fungus and wash your hands really good you can catch it

  2. Sounds like it could be scurvy, are you giving her vitamin C in her water? Guinea pigs need extra vitamin C or they will die.

    Or it could quite possibly be mites or lice, and hear is the repeated phrase, you should probably take her to a vet and have the vet recommend a treatment. At least  talk to a vet on the phone about it.

  3. she will probably need to go to the vet but give her oranges she may have scurvy which means she is lacking vitamin c the only way to cur it is to get her to eat vitamin c which oranges have a lot of she may also have mite or another skin condition is there anyway you could post a pic that would help in determining what it could be

  4. It could be what is known as Mange mites which is painful and causes hair loss, these microscopic mites burrow under the skin and cause severe pain. You may notice scratching, biting, hair loss, and in serious cases, seizures. If you are seeing any of the above get her to a vet ASAP. You will need to treat her with Ivermectin. Multiple doses are necessary because ivermectin does not kill the eggs. You will need to see the vet for this as it is very powerful and can do more harm then good if you do not know the correct dosage also ivermectin is only available through a vet.

    Scurvy is another leading cause of hair loss in Guinea Pigs. Make sure she is getting plenty of vitamin C, best way to provide that is through fresh foods, I know oranges are the first thing people think off but do not provide oranges more the twice a week as to much sugar leads to diabetes in Guinea Pigs.

    Provide lots of attention as stress is very hard on Guinea Pigs, especially single Guinea Pigs. So lots of attention is always a good idea for all guinea pigs.

    Because of her age I would recommend that you take her to see a exotic vet or a small animal vet to have a look at her to make sure it isn't something more serious.

  5. sounds like she may have cancer.  Throw her in the garbage can (dead or alive) and buy a new one

    EDIT: don't bother going to the vet to actually 'check' if she has cancer, give her cancer to be sure she has it then throw her out.  For killing her, well I would just throw her out alive.

  6. Oh my dear lord.. ignore person above me... ok, I've had guinea pigs my entire life - quite obsessed acutally - My oldest one is 5 and she's doing the same thing. Give her extra vitamin C, sometimes if they dont get enough the scurvy symtoms start... and lots of attention! they get stressed easily and it affects them badly :-( good luck!

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