
My guinea pig is sick. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. My grandpa is in the hospital, so on Friday we left and I left plenty of food and water for her. When we got back on Sunday, she hadn't even touched them. I got worried so I picked her up and she is like, really thin. Like feel every bone thin. She will drink water, but only when I hold the bottle and squeeze it. She really doesn't have much intrest in food, and when she tries to eat, it is like she is to weak, so she gives up.

She also has stuff by her eyes, is tired, and she did have diareeah. What sould I do? My parents won't let me take her to the vet, because it will cost like $300 dollars.(my dad says). So what can I do?

Please and Thank you.




  1. It will not cost that much. Take the poor thing to the vets.

  2. im guessing your guinea pig either has renal disease or diabetes, but i would definitely take her to the vet, and im pretty sure its not going to cost $300.  make sure your vet is experienced with small animals, but find the cheapest vet if money is an issue.

  3. I don't know how 2 break this 2 u but, (sob,sob,sob)

    I feel sorry 4 u.

    Sometimes the best think 2 do is put her down.

  4. Take her to the vet. It's better than having a sick guinea pig. Ask for your parents to pay 50 dollars. You can pay 150 and sell snacks and lemonade on a hot summer day. Good luck. I wish you and your guinea pig the best.

  5. Find a vet

    Your family took responsibility for this pet. If you do not take her in soon, she will die.

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