
My guinea pig isn't happy?

by Guest33327  |  earlier

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i want her to be happy. i've had 2 guinea pigs before her and i've only heard the 2nd one chirp once. i want to hear that again. just so i know she is happy.

is there i can do to her to make her happy w/out spending a lot of money? any household items i can use for her to play? what can i do? i hate seeing any kind of animal unhappy




  1. Play with your guinea pig every day...that will change it from gloomy to happy in no time!

  2. try getting her out more and before you feed her shake and rattle the bag mine if i have a grocery bag out she thinks she should get something and sqeal so loud now imagine four doing it at once lol

  3. Another guinea pig would probably make her WAY more happy!  When I was getting my guinea pig, I had the opportunity to get two because my aunt was gonna give all the pigs she had away.  Well, I knew she'd be happier with another pig, so I got one of the other babies.  (They are sisters)

  4. if u stroke her spine ishh area like her back backwards from the but to the face she should chirp. i have one too and lately shes been can give her a paper towel roll holder like the brown thing or a toilet paper one they lovee to eat them and its safe. they can eat paper.

  5. You can lead a guinea pig to happiness, but you can't make it chirp.

  6. Just because a guinea pig squeaks, does not mean it is expressing happiness. Some guinea pigs are just more vocal than others. I have had some that would never stop, and some that only peeped up every now and then, like yours. She is just responding to the grocery bag sound, and wanting carrots. It does not mean she is unhappy all other times.

    If you would like to ensure she is happy, have a read through this:

    A guinea pig friend, a large cage, good diet, and plenty of exercise are all you need.

  7. The reason your piggy is not happy is because it is LONELY! Guinea pigs are social animals and really need the company of their own kind. In the wild, they live in huge colonies. Please get your piggy a same-s*x companion. It is amazing how she will lighten up and be much more happy. No fancy toys or human contact can replace another piggy friend... sorry if this sounds harsh, but guinea pigs can't be alone!

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