
My guinea pig isnt eating or drinking much?

by  |  earlier

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he has the odd nibble at veg and food but hes lethargic and isnt his normal self, normally food would be gone in a second. im taking him to the vet but i was wondering if any one knew what the problem was and what i can do to help




  1. It depends sometimes what age your guinea is . When mine was younger, she would eat/drink very little when I just got her, but as she settled in she began to drink and eat more. Try to not pet her/him as much if he is in new surroundings, just talk to them. Whatever you do, do not stop filling their bowl/drinks bottle as they for sure WILL not eat/drink. Just let them settle in. Also, some guineas have a nature of not eating / drinking very much, so it could also just be natural.

    Hope you found this useful !

  2. Your guinea pig might be ill, i would recommend taking he/she to the vets to see whats wrong

  3. this sounds kinda gross and i dont have enough information to confirm, but there is the possibility of him being constipated or there is something stuck in his digestive tract. or he could just be sick, i don't really know without examining him, but yes, definately take him to the vet.


  4. he might be nervis for something

  5. I had guinea pigs and one seemed to stop eating unless i hand fed her.  She lost weight so I took her to vet and turned out her back teeth had grown too much so she couldn't eat.  She had to have them taken out.  We separated her from the others and fed her on baby food till she go better.

    Hope your guinea pig's ok!!

  6. Up until you are getting him/her to the vet, you might want to find their favorite food, i.e tomatoes or carrots and crush a vitamin c tablet and sprinkle it on it and hope that he eats it, because if he's not eating he can die within 12 hours from when he stops from stomach stasis. I hope everything turns out fine!

  7. I Know!!!

    His teeth need clipping as they are too long and it is painfull for him to eat and drink from his bottle. this is making him ill because he doesnt have enough nutrients and fluids in his system. theres not much u can do yourself but you are right for taking him to the vet.your vet will help you by clipping them but don't worry he will b bac 2 normal after they are clipped.  good luck !!! x

  8. going to the vets is your best answer

  9. Try different food?

  10. This happened to 2 of my guinea pigs.

    It Turned out that they had one of their back teeth stuck in the back of their tongue.

    Take him/her to the vet,

    but it depends on how long you've left it.

    I really hate to say this but my 2 Guinea pigs both died from it.

    Good Luck ... xxxxxx

  11. You could start by checking if his teeth are chipped or missing, or else too long. Both of these things could prevent him from being able to eat; either way you should take him to the vet asap to find out what's wrong. The way he is acting not as his usual self may mean that something else is wrong with him too. Good luck!   :)

  12. rrrrrrrrr bless maybe try him with his  favourite food my guinea pigs love carrots if it don't work maybe give him something soft to eat like grass or dandellion leaves hope i helped!! p.s i hope he gets better soon xx

  13. ohh that doesn't sound good, guinea-pigs favourite thing is eatting :(

    just keep a eye on him

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