
My guinea pig just died what should I do?

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I'm 13 and my guinea pig just died. I'm so sad I can't stop crying. What should I do?




  1. grieve

  2. You should let all of your family see your guinea pig for one last time.......

    let them say goodbye

    hold a memorial for him where ever you bury him....

    say a prayer and hope for the best

    God Bless you and your guinea pig

    I'm very sorry..

  3. Say good bye and remember all the things you did with him or her so sorry about the loss

  4. Hi, I turned 13 in march and on my birthday my guine pig died I was so sad but i new they dont live long so  i whent and got another one its ok to cry but not over just a little rodent, and they wouldent want you to cry

    sorry to hear!

  5. buy another one

  6. eat his dead body then eat the **** containing his remains then puke out and repeat process

  7. burry him.

    go get you a dog.

  8. Well, the crying is natural with the loss of a beloved pet, friend and family member in it's own way. You had a bond with your little piggy and it's ok for you to cry and feel sad. What should you do.. Be you, do what you feel is best for the body, bury it or have it creamated. Make sure you do something as a sort of ceremony for the lost guinea and so you can heal. Dont run out and get a new piggy unless you feel you're ready to love another and give it love knowing that it's not going to be the one you lost this one will be a new one with a new personality. If you want to try something different as a pet do it. Loosing a beloved pet does hurt, but you can open your heart and love another when your ready. Dont push yourself to love another pet, do it when you feel you are ready to move on from your piggy. If you want something that lives longer then research to find whats right for you. I currently have three hermit crabs (they hate living alone and all three are very different in personality), a cat (she doesnt know she's a cat though i've tried telling her it just doesnt work) and i'm getting my new addition to my family a corn snake (they come in several colors and make great pets contrary to what people will tell you and can be affectionate in their own way they have personalities just like any other animal).. The good news is that your piggy died in the comforts of his cage, when i was 10 my cat Pudgy (Pooj-ee) was run over by a car. The pain and sadness will stop just try and remember your piggy for all the good memories you shared.

  9. get over it!

  10. I had a dog die too T_T I couldn't get over it until a week. I still haven't gotten a solution for that but i was thinking:

    *you can get a new pet and if u want name it after your guinea pig. If it pains you to get attached to another pet than u can just think your guinea pig is in a happy place. Good Luck

  11. sorry, time heals all wounds

  12. Move on its kinda just a guinea pig, its sad but be strong hon <3

  13. Think about all the good times you had together and be happy. Don't cry!!!!!!  if she lived forever she would be in pain because she would be so old so think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I understand your feelings now... I cried a lot for my pets too... but it's just like that... living things are like this... live... geting older n older... then sick... then die... but what left is the sweet memory... so treasure everything around you... and also your memory...

  15. aww im so sorry.

    i had to go through that three times, and it took a while to stop crying and being sad. i would give him/her a nice funeral, thats what i did. everything will be fine and try to think that at least the guniea pig didnt go through a bad death or anything.

    just realize that your guniea pig is somewhere better :)

  16. so sorry about ur loss. move on get a new guinea pig but remember the good times u had with  your  guinea pig, love bonds  no matter with whom always continue

  17. give him a funerall . maybe u could get another guinie pig

  18. Write a poem, not about your pet, or draw, or write a song, just try to get your pet out of your mind, go to a friend's house, away from it's "habitat".

  19. first calm down, its the way of life

    bury it, buy a new one

  20. dont feel bad..

    just think its in a better place


    my parakeet died like

    3 months ago and

    i cried alot.

    but i bet its in a better place now

    because earths all polluted....

    i think u should



    like in your backyard

    thats wat i did

  21. Have a proper funeral and burial.

    I'm sorry sweetie. But think positive. He's somewhere happy now.

    And if he's happy, you can be happy, right?

  22. I'm sorry that your guniea pig died but i suggest that u get another one to make you happy again.

  23. I'm sorry.

    Here is an article

  24. I've had guinea pigs die in my lifetime. Just imagine them happy, and try to remember all the cute little things they did. My family had a little funeral, and on top of the little piggy grave we put his house as a grave marker. I got a picture of him as a baby and put it in a frame in my room so I will never forget.

    <3 goodluck

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