
My guinea pig just had babies!what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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As hard as it is to believe. We had no idea that our guinea pig was pregnant. i thought she looked a little fat but we had been trying to fatten them up a bit. We got her from this farmer who had found her and five others in a box on his land and they were almost starved. We don't know the first thing about guinea pig babies. Any information will be helpful.




  1. She will manage, but you'd better get the males separated from the!

  2. Well. Gently remove them from the box after ensuring that the mama won't bih the baby's fte you and then clean the cage. Then put down soft bedding and put some hay or grass in it... Fill up their water.. Give them spme grapes, spinach, apple, carrot or broccili in the cage. Then give them dry food. Keep  them warm and don't mess with the babys fora few days. MAKE SURE THEY ARE ALL DRINKIing to feed ! Or else they could die... Ours almost did. We ending up having to feed it powder milk.... Follow this and It'll be fine....

  3. Take them to the vet for rabie check-ups!

  4. Feed her alfalfa hay instead of timothy, it is higher in calories and she needs those calories for the babies.

    You can hold the babies from the moment they are born. many people believe guinea pigs eat their babies, but that is not true. They will not disown them or kill them. If she has a friend then leave her with her friend, the friend will either ignore or help with the babies.

    Sexing pups needs to be done as soon as possible since they mature at three weeks. Males must be removed from the mother by 21 days.

    can help you with anything, but particuraly figuring out which piggies are female and which are male. It is better to seperate all the babies at 21 days until you find out their s*x, then to leave them together unknowingly. I learned that the hard way.

    Let her do her job, she is a mother and instinctively knows it. Most piggies even though they still nurse can eat within hours after birth. They will grow very quickly, in the wild they are prey and need to be able to move if needed, so they are born to run. is also a good site. It is more friendly for the common guinea pig owner, while is more medical information. They both have forums.

  5. The mother already knows how to take care of the babies, it's instinct. Just make sure you take care of the mother: plenty of water, food, clean bedding, and a dark place to be with the babies. DO NOT TOUCH THE BABIES!

  6. I've bred guinea pigs and most moms do just fine giving her some alfafa instead of timothy hay will help while shes nursing its also good for the babies they will nibble on food at only a coulpe days old you wean them at 6 weeks or rather the mom will start to wean them at 3 weeks at this age you will need to remove the males they can breed at a month old the girls can stay with the mom as long as you like make sure she has plenty of water and some veggies to munch on its good to get the babies used to fresh foods the more things you give them the more they will be willing to eat when they are older its fine to hold the babies mom won't reject them i handle the babies from the day they are born its goo to get them used to people young it makes them very loving and trusting as adults

  7. go to the vet and work out which ones are the guys,

    and keep the mum and babies alone

    give them plenty of water and food and give the mum extra


    don't worry she'll take of the other stuff

  8. she will do all the nursing. but make sure you separated the dad just in case. but also make sure you feed the mom plenty of food because if she starts to get hungry there is a chance she my eat for babie 0_0

    make sure you separated the male babies within 4 weeks because they could get the mom or his sister pregnet.

    best of luck.

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