
My guinea pig of 3 years had started to twitch and jump suddenly last week, but now I think he is dead :(?

by  |  earlier

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today just before I went to bed, I noticed him shaking uncontrollably, and then he fell on his side, shaking and now is lying down..motionless...but his eyes are still wide open.

i have no idea what is wrong.. and i really hope it's not the worst outcome, i love him to bits. it was a very sad experiece to watch, im not sure i'll be able to get another one if i find out he really has died :(

i have wrapped him up with extra bedding and will check on him in th morning, but i fear the worse.. what could be wrong with him?




  1. Sounds like you've witnessed him have a stroke/seizure.

    If it is the same thing that happened to my hamster.. The next stage should be that he starts losing the ability to use his legs (due to the fit) and so has to drag himself along. Then eventually the poor little critter will die. There's not anything you can do if this is the case. It's horrible and I sympathise with you.

    That's ONLY if it is actually the same as what happened to my hamster. It's awful I know, I was heart broken when my hamster died.


    That's SO insensitive.. What a kn*b!! >:(

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  2. I felt really sad and i am not joking but cheak if he is breathing if he is not or doesn't have a heartbeat he is probaly dead i'm sorry

  3. Yea it might have had a stroke. poor piggy, its probably dead. see if its breathing.

  4. I know it's hard but you must check on him now. There's no use in waiting until the morning because, from what you've told us, it sounds like he has had a stroke which means it's highly likely that he has passed away. Check for his pulse, if you can't find it, he's gone.

    I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I would be heart broken if I had to watch any of my Gerbils pass.

  5. this happened to my guinie pig sootie after he started twitching we took him strait to the vets he said it was a stroke and he had been ill for a bit so he advised us to put him to sleep sorry but i think your gunie pig is most probably dead xxxbeth

  6. Don't just 'leave him' and check on him in the morning! Check to see if he is living NOW! That way if he is alive you can try to help him! If not, yes, he will most likely be dead tomorrow morning. If he's still got a pulse or is still breathing get a syringe and mush up some pellets and get him to eat. If you have any vets that have emergency hours near you they are probably open now. If the guinea pig is alive you need to take him in NOW.

  7. if his eyes were wide open and he is motionless .. im sorrry but he is probably dead :/

  8. Couldnt you just maybe like change its batteries?

  9. might be bittin by a paralisic tick and killed it.check for ticks and i think its dead

  10. Sorry dude, but I think your little friend is no more. I've kept hamster and rats for many years and that's how they go, so I would assume that the closely related guinea pig would go the same way.

    I'm sorry dude. I cried my eyes out when my last hamster died, and I was 25 at the time.


  11. if hes hard he's dead

    he had a seizure or a stroke most likely....i was so sad when my guini Chamois died....

  12. that happened to my friends guinea pig and it had seizures and later passed away  =(

    I'm so sorry I hope he is alive =(

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