
My guinea pig?

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um i was wondering if anyone knows specials tips about guinea pigs and also whatt kind of things to they like to play with and want are good brands




  1. DO not put Tang or anything else in their water! That's ridiculous. Even drops that are meant to be put in rodent's water is bad for your pig. The vitamin C deteriorates as soon as it hits the water and it changes the taste of the water which can make your pig not drink as much as it should.

    Guinea pigs need 1/4 cup of Quality pellets like Oxbow. They also need unlimited Hay. This keeps their teeth down and is need for digestion. Pigs need one cup of veggies daily. These should include dark leafy lettuce (romaine, green leaf, red leaf lettuce.. NOT iceberg) and can also include bell peppers, cilantro, parsley, kale, and the occasional fruit and carrot. With proper diet, they get plenty of vitamin C. If you have to supplement, use chewable tablets.

    Toys are easy.. slit paper towel or toilet paper tubes, cardboard coke cases (like the 12 pack boxes), paper bags. Hay is also my boys favorite toy. They love tunneling through a fresh pile.

  2. give them their regular daily staple food with the addition of some fresh fruits and veggies + lots of luv and regular grooming

  3. i used to own guinea pigs

    guinea pigs don't play much they like hiding under shredded paper

    or caged outside on the ground they will run around and eat grass

    they do eat broccie, carrot and special diets

  4. I used to have a guinea pig. He usually ate a variety of fruits and veggies. We also bought him some guinea pig food at the store--I forgot the name brand though. They can get pregnant at 4 weeks. Give them veggies and parcely everyday, otherwise they won't get enough vitamin C. Try to get pine shavings for it, also. They live at an average of 3 to 7 years. If your guinea pig is begging for food, it will make a squeaking noise. They aren't like hamsters, therefore, they don't need a wheel to run in.

  5. Guinea pigs are usually shy animals, they need a a lot of love, and holding and petting, they are great to read with, and they love to run around on your lawn and mow long spots. I would go to or guinea pig Lynx (sorry i didn't get a link here, but they shouldn't be hard to find) for anything you need. Some good food brands are Kaytee, and small world. Don't get Hartz!! They are putting fillers in their food, on a guinea pig group they had the food brands rated, Kaytee was at the top, and hartz was very bottum, small world was a little after Kaytee. Both those brands have Vitamin C added, that is really good because guinea pigs need that and if the food dosn't have it you have to put it in their water. It is important to give them somthing other then food pellets. I give mine: Dandelion, lambsqaurters, grass, timothy hay, fresh fruit (not oranges) peas ad pea pods, corn husks, dry bread, and tomato. Mine love to paly in coarboard boxes and the outside mazes I make from bricks and keep up all summer. Some guinea pigs need to be shown how to play, that is OK, they will learn. Good luck with your guinea pigs!

  6. Diet:

    They like toys with mirrors and bells, like parrot toys.

    For anything else, email me at

  7. hi!!

  8. i have small sofa a crinkel tunnel two iglue houses a big tunnel for them to chew on and toilet paper tubes they love it. and a big blanket on half the C&C cage incase they want to relax

    here is a great link on what toys guinea pigs love :)

  9. has to have tang in the water bottle each day and changed each day. Cavies need vitamin c or they get pneumonia and die. Also orange slices each day or fruit that contains Vc also. But make sure you put the tang in the water bottle and change it daily. No wire bottom cages. No Chlorophyll or cedar shavings. These are toxic to their lungs.

  10. 1. groom regularly.

    2. get them out often

    3. put toilet paper tubes, tissue boxes, oatmeal containers and paper towel tubes in their cage. they love to chew.

    4. buy a mesh tube for them to crawl through.


  11. they do alot like squeek that means that they are trying to talk to you and well a good pet brand is super pet they are great

  12. Oxbow and Kaytee and Keelameena (i don't know how to spell it) are the best brands.

    They like playing with simple stuff like paper towel rolls and cardboard boxes and paper bags. They also like those hanging bell toys sometimes.

    If you think they don't like you, don't wory. They just don't enjoy the whole "being picked up" part of being held. Then they do like being held.

    Also, with bedding, you might want to try fleece with puppy pads or towels under it. It is easier and better for some people.

    And check that your pellets first ingredient is timothy hay. That's best for them.

    Give them unlimited food and pellets and then give them a handful or so of romaine lettuce, parsley, maybe a small carrot, and the occasional fruit and other stuff like that.

    That's just some quick stuff, but it will make for happier piggies!
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